[quote=@Onarax] Made the other edits. As far as the powers: Negative Space basically has the user make a field around them in which other powers don't work. The larger the field the more tiring it can be for the user. So basically if Gō was fighting someone with powers, he could make a small space to bring his opponent down to normal essentially, obviously for perps with guns and stuff this power isn't really all that effective, but it lets him fight well against people who overly rely on their powers. For the sake of balance of though, someone with insanely strong powers would probably be difficult to completely negate. Feral form works as well, I mainly chose the name demonic because I envisioned it looking demonic in appearance. The power would be tied to how exhausted the user got, so in a typical situation involving a lot of movement and stuff it could probably last for like 10 minutes or so, but that would go down when he takes damage. As it leaves the user exhausted after use it really doesn't lend itself for rapid switches. The transformation itself would be pretty quick. Basically the idea is for a quick, temporary surge in power to deal with difficult situations, afterwards the user would be pretty vulnerable. [/quote] Alright. Yes to both. I'll put them in the pool and get you a random power here in a bit. [@Driving Park] I would put you on Apartment detail, but are you actually going to finish it in a timely manner? (And I do not mean that in a negative way at all.) I just know you and I also know that Athalia's map has been a work in progress for a while now. But if you want to work on some floor plans and make a blurb for the apartment complex on the etherpad so I can post it up for everyone, I'd love that. I've just known you for too long to know that it might take you a while to do. And personally... different floor plans kind of makes my head explode so I went with simple. But if you want to handle all of the apartment planning, I'll help out best I can. (This is why I like talking things out in the pad, I don't get left behind and my posts don't become irrelevant anymore) Edit: Rohrbach would have given the basics of the basics... like... Rohrbach: I need a building for my participants to live in when my experiment starts a few years from now. School: Okay, what do you want? Rohrbach: -looks at possible choices- -gets irritated with how many there are- Just give me like... 12 rooms of this. -points at random floor plan- School: Uhh... okay. Edit Edit: You should probably put your character's major in their other section if it's not laid out in their CS. :P