[img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/6/6c/OOM10-Counterattack.png/revision/latest?cb=20130527044312[/img] [b]Name:[/b] OOM F1-XR "Fixer" [b]Race:[/b] Droid [b]Age:[/b] 52 [b]Occupation:[/b] Maintenance & Engineering droid [b]Appearance:[/b] Heavily modified and battered OOM pilot droid, with blue markings and hard backpack. [b]Gear:[/b] Tools set (in the backpack, redacted), supplementary probe with computer comm device. Blaster pistol modified for increased damage (a sewed-off E-5 carbine). Light built-in armor (improved to replace the original armour, that was sabotaged), improved sensor package (redacted). AND [u]Extended battery (for 400 hours of un-interrupted operation) enviromental sealing (vacuum) Collapsible construction (this is standard) shoulder-mounted lantern, heuristic baktoid proccessor (argumental) built-in commlink; Mechanical Diagnosis software; aditional, telescopic arm, mounted in the backpack's left side. Defective vocabulator (it speaks with a distinctive german accent, and no ammount of fixing seems to be able to solve it)[/u] [b]Backstory up until flying on the [insert ship name here][/b]:Re-activated by the Trade Federation resistance, Fixer got his switch-off program removed and was sent in a long-range trip towards savage space in order to hide key CIS documents. Shortly after, the TF resistance was crushed, and Fixer was left as one of the scarce survivors. Months later, he was found and joined a group of refugees who fled to the outer rim in order to scape imperial prosecution. When that group joined the rebel alliance, Fixer was right behind them acting as an expert maintenance operator. In this humble role, he supported a rebel ship in the very battle of Endor. Licenced one or two years after that, yet the outer rim was the only place where a droid could achieve a work assignment. There he has been, as part of the maintenance crew in the [insert ship name here]: sentient since the time of Endor, Fixer sees the 1st order stuff as worringly similar to what he has already lived, and has pretty straightforward ideas about it. [b]Propositions for shared backstory:[/b] The documents he transported for the CIS where not destroyed. Those are still hidden in an undisclosed location, somewhere in the inexplored savage space. And now, almost forgotten by Fixer himself, the only registry of that location its his own droid brain. In other matters, he may be attached with the captain who gave him the work. He may also have an interesting relationship with the pilot, because he insists in blaming all his failures to mechanical errors. The medic and him may have served alongside with the rebels/republic at the same ship or assignment. Don't want to keep writing, this is startinf to resemble "Don Quixote" :-D