Sean did the math quickly in his head. Four weeks...that meant.... His eyes widened in recognition but he quickly recovered. "The doctor? You've been to a doctor then?" He started to ramble as he was processing the news. "So it's mine then. Four weeks. Four weeks. Are you sure you're pregnant? Are you sure it's mine?" Sean ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath. "Sorry, I'm just surprised and trying to process." The waitress came by for their checks and Sean handed her his black American Express card. "I've got them both please." "Alright. So you're pregnant. Are you keeping it? Do you want an ... an...abortion?" Sean whispered the last word. "I would prefer if you didn't if you're asking my opinion. I'm Catholic." He added in his religion as though that explained everything. "What exactly do you want from me? Did you just want me to know? Do you want me to be involved? If you want me to be involved I am there 110%, whatever you or the baby needs." Sean might be a playboy but he was not about to turn his back on the mother of his child or his child. He would take responsibility just like his father had taught him.