[quote=@Sho Minazuki] On one hand he would go find a wild beast and secure dinner, and forget about the bot because he's only got a knife that he's borrowing, but on the other hand that bot is on it's way to the main camp based on direction, and it might be in his interest to stop it... We got anymore on the bot? [/quote] It looks like a bulky humanoid with a fly-ish face. You can see its head turning back and forth like a surveillance camera. By the speed of its movement, it's either having trouble with the terrain, or very heavy. Maybe both. By the way it walks straight through obstructions, you can guess that the head and chest areas are pretty sturdy as a result of the thickness in those areas. The thin areas are the parts connecting the extremities to the torso. It walks around the trees and jumps over taller obstructions. It takes a long time to jump. Doesn't seem to have any weapons on it, but it has weird looking fingers. By the footprints, you can tell that its feet have hollow, circular bottoms around where the heels are. They appear to be hot, if the slightly scorched ground is anything to go by. As far as size goes, it's about 230cm. Also, it appears to react to sudden movements and sounds coming from nearby, and will stare in the direction of source for a few moments before continuing on. You don't know if it's seen you. ...There's a non-zero chance it knows you're there. It hasn't taken any aggressive action if it has, though.