Jessie listened patiently to everything Felix had to say, and when he was done, she headed outside to the meeting zone. Nemo seemed to be interested in chatting with Raiya, so Jessie left them to it and and took her tome from its place on her belt. She opened the book up and began paging through it. Most of the pages were filled with text, but every once and a while there were pages filled with runes, diagrams, and the occasional summoning circle. The pages with summoning circles had tabs on them for easy locating. About halfway through the tome, she got to an empty page. She took a pen out of a pocket on the inside of her jacket and began to write in the tome. Her handwriting was rather poor, but it was still legible. After writing for a while and filling up a page and a half, she put the pen back into her pocket and closed the tome, strapping it back onto her belt.