[@LeonVon] As Kat wondered just who on earth Lizzie was and why she would be upset about ghosts. She heard the metal on metal grating sound that the rest of them had heard. Wilifred was apparently something of a man of many talents for at some point of the conversation she would not be able to identify he had vanished. Mr Blackfield guided them around to the other side of the property where there had once been an untended section section of lawn was now a clearly a helipad with a large black helicopter upon it. She blinked at it and stared down at the ground beginning to come up with possible schematics for how it could be done. No matter what she came up with, it was an impressive piece of engineering for sure. And expensive as bloody hell. This agency apparently had far more financial clout than she had ever expected. The ex-soldier, Adrien, seemed to be paying far more attention to the helicopter though. She did not pay much attention till he claimed it was military only. She raised an eyebrow and turned to look at the large vehicle. To Kat, the helicopter only seemed to be that, while the electrical components that made up a vehicle were quite interesting, she had taken much of an interest in vehicles beyond that. She shrugged her shoulders and moved forward into the helicopter, settling herself comfortably into her seat and securing her seatbelt. She looked back out at the others and called out, [color=8882be]"In for a penny, in for a pound. Are the rest of you coming along then?"[/color] She secured her headset on so she would be able to communicate with everyone else over the roar of the helicopter. With that done, she pulled out her iPad and began searching for information relating to Elizabeth Smith, her farm, and the deaths of her son and husband in a barn. Any information she found would be related to the rest of whoever else entered the helicopter. She did not see any reason to delay starting her work. Given the mention of Griffins, Hydras, poltergeists, and not to mention the apparent scale of this agency. She had quite a lot of work ahead of her. She smiled down at the screen.