[sub](Let me know if this ever starts again.)[/sub] [hider=Retired - Cynthia Moonfall][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Hl3mJ64.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=Demon Form][img]http://i.imgur.com/vbePVRn.png[/img][/hider][/center] [CENTER][I]"She might be one of the lesser demons, but I'll admit, she scares me to death. They call her Black Shadow - no one even knows how many others she's assassinated."[/i][/center] [CENTER][IMG]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Divider_zps9btnemxm.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [center][color=00d2ff][b]A G E[/b][/COLOR] Twenty-Two (?)[/center] [center][color=00d2ff][b]R A C E[/b][/COLOR] Demon (Succubus)[/center] [center][color=00d2ff][b]R O L E & K I N G D O M[/b][/COLOR] Lady-in-Waiting of Raphael[/center] [center][color=00d2ff][b]A B I L I T Y & W E A P O N[/b][/COLOR] • [b]Shadow Cloak (Demonic):[/b] Given to a particular bloodline of succubi, these powers allow her to do two things; shadow-step and hide in plain sight. [list][*][i]Shadow-stepping[/i] is the literal use of darkness in any form, to transport oneself up to a maximum of twenty feet - even through cracks in walls. Some say it's just teleportation based on using darkness, but others swear they must be stepping through another plane of existence all together. Only those who can use it know for sure and often keep the secret to themselves. [*][i]Hiding in plain sight[/i] involves wrapping shadows around one's form and using it's power to cast a powerful illusion, making it extremely difficult to spot them once again. Many have given accounts of seeing this in action and it's as if the person simply fades away in front of them. Powerful magics of revealing can negate this ability and it still needs darkness to function.[/list] • [b]Short Sword & Buckler (Weapon):[/b] Due to her time as an assassin, she is a master at the short sword, though she has also learned to include a small buckler into her fighting style. Not only the mastery but also the rarity of using these smaller versions makes her a very dangerous opponent in melee, using them in style that can only be referred to as agile and fast.[/center] [center][color=00d2ff][b]B I O G R A P H Y[/b][/COLOR] Born in what is considered the slums of Lucifer, Cynthia's life was full of hate and lust from the very beginning, having watched anything from murders happening to seeing her family sell themselves out for a night of pleasure. Normally, this would do unrepairable damage to some, but being a demon, she was naturally resistant to the darkness of sin - like many others. Not to say it didn't affect her however as she followed her family's footsteps even as a smaller child. She didn't sell herself out, but she learned how to use her unique powers to steal from others and bring the earnings back - there was no praise because no one praised anyone, but she was often given curt nods of acknowledgment. Things couldn't stay the same forever though. When she was older and grown she was caught by one of the slum bosses for stealing from him, but instead of punishing her, he decided to use her instead. He slapped a collar around her and trained her to be an assassin, seeing the opportunity to use her shadow powers for his own gain, and offered rewards in return for her service. She was a mostly quiet demon compared to many others and for the most part just followed the flow of life that was Lucifer. Before she knew it, she was doing well for herself and often indulged in having sex with others, being a succubus. All those years were a blur though compared to what happened next. A rare occurrence indeed, in that something snapped in her mind. She had woken up one day and looked around in her bed, seeing all the women sleeping and naked under the sheets, and felt... lonely. She had never once thought about her feelings or her thoughts, just doing what everyone else was doing and living her life. It felt like there was a weight on her heart, crushing her with this sharp pain that grew more and more as the days went by. She even questioned what she was doing as an assassin - not whether it was right or not, but what the purpose was. If she was alone in this world, then what was the point to any of this? It was then that she decided to plot. She had heard rumors of the weak point somewhere in the slum and made her way towards it - it was only a small crack, but it was enough. Slipping into the shadows, she found herself on the other side, the outside looking in. She did not say a word and never looked back again, walking out into the open world before her. She started to experience things she had never seen before. The sun was so warm and bright and rain felt cool against her skin, grass was almost like a blanket and the animals that roamed the fields fascinated her. Eventually in her wanderings, she found the kingdom of Raphael and disguised her form. Walking the streets for several days, she heard rumors of work in the castle as a maid and quickly took it. She wanted to survive. She wanted to live. Most importantly, she didn't want to be alone anymore. Even though as she was accepted into their arms and presented as a new maid, she ran into the one thing that made her more nervous than anything else in this world - an angel. Somehow, he did not attack though and she was introduced into the life as a servant. It wasn't surprisingly she was so good at it, following orders and simply doing her best because she was told to, but this was different than before. She earned praise and compliments and it was so alien to her, a feeling she had never really felt before, but she enjoyed it! Before long though, the head maid was recommending her to be Princess Cordelia's lady-in-waiting and despite the angel's subtle protests, she was somehow accepted. [/center][/hider]