Without much warning, the ebony haired woman took off, mumbling something about it being a few meters away as she strode towards the exit of the park. “Well, that didn’t take long.” He looked to Sonny with an amused smirk. “Come on then. I don’t mind the evening stroll.” Following the woman wasn’t too difficult of a proposition now that they had managed to catch up, Akihiro wondering to himself how Sonny had managed to secure such a swanky address. Shimmer Luxury Apartments were normally reserved for those who were making a lot more than college students could ever dream to earn during their tenure at the academy. Maybe Sonny had a rich family who boarded him there while at university? Or maybe he was an illegal art dealer that peddled exotic artifacts in exchange for large gobs of money… Snorting at the thought, he continued to follow the woman. Their excursion had been a bit too quiet for his taste, so he decided to ask: “Sonny, you mentioned that you’re a university student…what program are you enrolled in? I’m currently teaching a few undergraduate classes myself, but haven’t had the pleasure of coming across you in class yet.” Then he realized what a dope he was for not actually introducing himself. “The name is Akihiro Takashi…or, to most of my students, the bane of their existence.” He chuckled slightly as they carried forward, the graduate assistant noting the bright neon lights in the distance that almost acted as a beacon for their destination. It wouldn’t be too long before they got to the apartment complex…right? “Forgive me for the question, but are the luxury apartments really this close to clubs and shops?” He asked the raven haired woman, an apologetic smile crossing his face. “Don’t mean to question your judgment at all, it’s just…well, I guess I don’t find my way out here all that often.” [@rocklee][@Jay Kalton]