First, apologies all and I beg patience as my post will not be ready until tomorrow. My last few weeks have been rough. My brother was diagnosed with prostate cancer and more tests reveal there is a strong chance of it being in his bladder as well. This has been rough on all of us and we live 8 hours apart so that doesn't help. Work has been rough with managers leaving, sending members to the hospital by ambulance and members getting into fights and the police being called (I work at the YMCA) Add to that I am teaching with the public school still and helping another school with their 100 year anniversary and it all means I have very little time at the moment to think about myself or my hobbies. I am 3/4 done and will have time tomorrow to finish up. If you could please spare a tiny bit more patience I promise not to hold us up any longer. Cheers, Skulls