[b]Name:[/b] Andel Troadec [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Height:[/b] 5'11" [b]Weight:[/b] 191 lbs/87kg [b]Social Class:[/b] Merchant [b]Location of Recruitment:[/b] City [b]Previous Occupation:[/b] Merchant Apprentice [b]Appearance:[/b] [picture pending] [b]Chosen Specialization:[/b] Cavalry [b]Chosen Weapon:[/b] Longsword [b]Chosen Armor Class:[/b] Light plate (mostly chainmail, plate breastplate, pauldrons) [b]Items Carried:[/b] Recruit's clothing Andel's journal [b]Positive Traits:[/b] Intelligent, Emapathetic, Composed [b]Neutral Traits:[/b] Dreamer (gets lost in his head sometimes; likes to think big) [b]Negative Traits:[/b] Naive, Overconfident (puts too much stock in booksmarts) [b]Reason for Pursuing Knighthood:[/b] Disillusionment with family business [b]Backstory:[/b] The merchant house Troadec makes no secret of its lowborn heritage. As the family tale goes, the first patriarch Alister began his rise a century and a half ago as an urchin on the streets, unskilled and without a copper to his name. Lacking the finesse for mercenary work and the connections for an apprenticeship, the man turned to his wit. He started with a fish -- a single measly trout fished from a brook. Hungry as though he was, Alister saw an opportunity. He sold the fish to an inn for two coppers. With these funds, he purchased two more fish from a monger. Then he sold those for two coppers a piece. Buy and sell, buy and sell, buy and sell, Alister slowly filled his purse with coin until one day, he found himself rather wealthy for a man of his status. Yet his ambitions did not falter. Instead, he purchased a small boat, sailed out upon the sea, and cast his net day after day. In time, he became respected as a fisherman, though this did not satisfy him -- Alister saw something bigger in his future, and he strode after it -- the first in a long line of Troadec dreamers. And so it was, after many years, that Alister, first of the newly minted merchant house Troadec, died old, gray, and very wealthy. Such was the history upon which Andel Troadec was raised upon; raised to replicate. As a boy, his ambition was to do just that; after all, what lad doesn't wish to pursue the success and glory of his family before him? With the passing years, however, Andel's admiration of his family turned to concern. He noticed the frightened looks of the lowfolk as he passed. The begging of the "thieves" his father's guardsmen beat. Something was amiss -- something had always been amiss, yet Andel was only just realizing it. He confronted his father with his concerns. [color=ed1c24]"Son,"[/color] the aging man said, [color=ed1c24]"You're simply beginning to see how this world of ours works. Those with ambition will always rule over lesser men."[/color] He let loose a grin that Andel suddenly realized was quite disturbing. [color=ed1c24]"You will do the same, boy. You must, for that is our legacy."[/color] Andel felt sick. What kind of ambition was it to stomp on and extort those without power? What kind of dream was so easily achieved? To be the inheritor of a legacy that spits on the dreams of others -- people just like patriarch Alister, not two centuries past? No. He would not be responsible for...for [i]that[/i] one day. And he would tear down his own family if he had to in order to see to it. He stormed out of his father's chambers, out of the Troadec home, and straight to the city market. He knew what he was going to do. The recruiter gave Andel an appraising glance as he spoke: [color=f7941d]"My name is Andel of House Troadec. I am here to join your Order."[/color]