[h2][center][color=39b54a]Randar Xenil[/color][/center][/h2] [center][img]http://cutmypic.com/uploads/title42353292.png[/img][/center] Cothyl was running quickly, on his way back to Randar. [color=f7941d]"If I see him cry, he's not gonna live this down."[/color], he continued to mutter to no one. He was ready to give a verbal tongue lashing when he heard a voice ring out. It seems the colorful wanna-be skeleton wasn't too happy about this either. He picked up the pace, easily moving through the gaps in the crowd. Being small rocked at moments like this. He easily reached Randar and was amazed at the pitiful display he was giving. Cothyl quickly dashed in front of him, speaking quickly. [color=f7941d]"So, this is the respect you all have? You do realize that a Behemoth appeared and before you could realize what happened, we took it down. As the skeleton girl said, a few casualties are far better than the destruction it would have caused if we weren't here. In all this confusion, you decided to trust some voice in the crowd? Put the weapons down, we did exactly what we were supposed to do."[/color] This wasn't carefully worded, he didn't care. They should be lucky he knew better than to punch the sense back into these people. Randar was overwhelmed, until these people jumped in. The drunk was pissed, and so was Cothyl. He got up, [i]why was he apologizing to these people[/i]? He stood up, ready to handle this. He took a deep breath and replied, [color=39b54a]"The magic I used was merely to soothe this angry mob. My magic can not in any way cause people to pass out. You dare to call a Song Knight a necromancer? We have Spirits that come in many shapes and sizes, everyone knows this. Or did you forget the Song Knight that bravely jumped in front of the cart, willing to take a boulder for the life of another? I wanted to have a calm discussion, but it seems you are ready to blame everything around you. Also, that fool on the boulder was Mary Stradford, everyone knows her. She pulls stunts like this all the time, probably wanted to enter with a splash. So, you still trust the confused words of the small girl?"[/color] He may be the smallest one here, but he felt like he was standing tall. With an air of authority, he motioned for the crowd to part. He knew they probably wouldn't listen to him anyways. He was doing that speech as much for himself as it was for them. He wanted to talk to the mysterious girl that started this. After all, she seems to have known a lot despite how fast it happened and how little anyone here knew what happened. He walked over to the collapsed girl and knelt down on one knee, checking to see if she had a pulse or was injured. He still had time, and he had plenty of questions to ask.