Orion lets out a little chuckle at Lancer’s response. [color=#318031]” No, the story isn't quite so extravagant Mr. Lancer. We did some private work for Sikorsky Aircraft’s president a couple years back and in exchange they offered some modified Blackhawks."[/color] Orion looks over to where Adrian has been examining the helicopter. [color=#318031]Good eye by the way Mr. Kennings. I don't know many people in this line of business that can so easily identify military equipment.”[/color] As you each get closer and into the helicopter, you’re able to see many details you hadn’t noticed previously. There are stands to mount guns on either side of the GRIFN. A large flood light is mounted to the front and it appears there’s a play to hook something like a tow strap on the bottom. While it looks like the entire outside has had a fresh coat of paint applied, you’re still able to make out small pock marks all along the side and bottom. Closer examination of the marks show they’re jaw shaped almost, as if something quite large managed to get it’s mouth around the outside of the helicopter. Orion hops into the front passenger seat next to Wilfred, who is going through his pre-flight check. [color=#318031]“Let’s get a move on! Only a couple hours before dark and I want you all to have a chance to check the area out.”[/color] Once you’re all aboard the GRIFN, Wilfred slowly begins lifting the vehicle off the ground. The Earth begins to move farther and farther away, and Blackfield Mansion gets smaller and smaller. As you’re looking at the ground, you notice that the helipad seems to be sinking into the ground. As you watch it, it goes deep into the earth before a new platform slides out and covers the hole, returning the lawn to it’s unkempt appearance. Finally reaching the correct altitude, the helicopter takes off to the northeast. Over the headset, Orion says [color=#318031] This shouldn’t take too long. Feel free to look through the equipment in the duffle bags back there. Once we land, you’ll meet Mrs. Smith and get a chance to ask her any questions you may have.”[/color]