[sub]in collaboration with [@Xathi] and [@Bright_Ops][/sub] [h1][center][u][i]"The...Many Musketeers"[/i][/u][/center][/h1] Vivian made her way into Seren's Folley. She was grinning brightly, she loved this town. It was full of hunters after all, and people who sold equipment to hunters, and people who helped hunters with research. Most of all though, there was the 'Witch's Paradise'. The ironicly named establishment had become a haven for hunters of all stripes, and was home to the lovely Sophia and the gruff but kind Bobby. Pushing open the door Vivian scanned the tavern. A little sparse today it would seem, the regulars were all here, but the hunters were a bit lacking. Had she missed a hunt!? She quickly found Bobby at his usual perch behind the bar and practically skipped over, grinning all the while. [color=fff200]"Another month another couple o' covens eh Bobster?"[/color] Vivian took a seat at one of the stools at the bar and began her harassment of her favorite booze provider. It's been oneof those days.... Bobby was more grumpier than usual after all the shit that happened earlier that day, Flint almost killing Emiliano, though by accident... Emiliano, after Sophie healing him seemed to flip a lid and stab Mat in the hand. Then Emiliano went out to search for Flint, he swore the man might actually try and kill the boy. He had Banned Emiliano from the bar for his actions. Flint...well he might not let him drink for a month. Maybe help Sophie around the place doing some filth jobs. It wasn't much, but it was something...He didn't know how else to handle the punishment...though he knew Flint HATED doing the jobs. He was sitting on the inside of the bar, drinking some ale as he tried to relax. Suddenly he heard someone quickly come over, suddenly a bright and bubbly voice spoke to him, calling him "Bobster." He didnt even need to look up to know who it was. Only one girl had ever callen him Bobster. [color=f26522]"Vivian..." [/color]He said looking up from his cup as he looked at her and smiled. He always had a soft spot for the female hunters that came into his bar. Especially Vivian, always a sunbeam while in this normally dark world. [color=f26522]"Wot brings yuu back to Seren's Folley me lass?" [/color] [color=fff200]"Your bright and smiling face of course."[/color] Vivian flashed her signature grin. [color=fff200]"And Sophie's cooking."[/color] She let out a laugh. [color=fff200]"I'm here to stock up before heading north, rumor has demon activity in that area, figured I'd map it for the brotherhood before passing the info along."[/color] Vivian sighed and rested her chin on the bar. [color=fff200]"Where is everybody Bobster? Did I miss a hunt!?"[/color] Bobby leaned back and folded his, twisting his back and popping his his back and releaving the pent up tention in his back. He then turned to his bar tender, telling him to bring out some food and drink for Vivian at her mention for Sophie's cooking. [color=f26522]"I doubt it's for me smiling face lass, it's enough to break a mirrior" [/color]He chuckled[color=f26522] "Though I can't deny about Soph's Cooking." [/color]he added with a slap to his belly. He was way out of shape from what he used to be before he met her. [color=fff200]"Indeed! You're a lucky man Bobby."[/color] Vivian giggled. [color=f26522]"Aye, yuu missed an interesting one. A necromancer in a town called Silent falls out west." [/color]He pointed to the mark board.[color=f26522] "But ye always know we got hunts always available. I think they can handle it...I mean nine hunters went." [/color] Vivian laughed. [color=fff200]"They'd better!"[/color] Her face turned somber a moment. [color=fff200]"Although you know I hear whispers. How's Fenros? He ever nail that Von'Strauss bitch?"[/color] Bobby sighed as he leaned closer to Viv, as she knew of Fenros passed already, having worked with him closely before.[color=f26522] "Well, speaking of Von'Strauss...She came to me trying to figure out how to kill some nasty vampires that are ancient line. I haven't Fenros yet, best to figure out how to kill these vampires and find out where exactly the witch is. Fenros would be red eye'd bull crazy if he found out she is near by. That's no good for anyone here." [/color] Vivian's face briefly curled into a snarl before resuming its usual cheer. [color=fff200]"Yeah, you do know best Bobster. Why she didn't try to gut you I don't know though."[/color] She giggled and started on her food - which had just arrived. [color=fff200]"I'll stand by him when the time comes, he's pulled me out of enough fires. Besides, I want to see the bigshot witch bleed as much as any hunter worth their salt."[/color] [color=f26522]"Yuu'll have ta be careful though." [/color]Bobby grabbed an errant glass and began cleaning it. [color=f26522] "She killed Hector, an' he was a better hunter than most."[/color] [color=fff200]"Meanwhile, what's this about nasty ancient vamps?"[/color] Vivian tilted her head inquisitively. [color=fff200]"That I could get into."[/color] Bobby just shook his head. [color=f26522] "Not a good idea lassy. I 'aven't found enough on them yet. I'll let yuu know when I do though."[/color] Vivian nodded her head. [color=fff200]"Alrighty, I'm gonna head out and see what there is to see."[/color] She flashed him a parting grin before slamming her ale and walking out the door whistling. Emiliano was still very pissed. Now not only did he need to find Flint, but now he needed a new place to buy his booze. He was stalking the streets angrily, asking if anyone had seen Flint or knew where he might be. He was taking a break though and sitting at a small inn outside, bemoaning his current situation. [color=fff200]"Is that Emiliano Parisi I see?"[/color] Vivian said in her signature lilting cheer. [color=fff200]"You're still kicking around? Why didn't I see you at the bar?"[/color] Emiliano snapped his head up when he heard Vivian and smiled, "Your damn right I'm still around, I'm surprised your still kicking!", he laughed as he stood and walked over to her, "Been awhile eh? As for the bar well... banned for a month. Long story.", he grimaced at the thought of it before continuing. "What's brought you here?" [color=fff200]"Banned from the bar!?"[/color] Vivian was shocked. [color=fff200]"How'd you manage that? Never mind the 'Long story shit' I gotta get details!"[/color] Emiliano rolled his eyes, "Well after an incident involving one Flint Diggard that nearly got me killed I was rather pissed. Some hunter I have not met insulted me about it, I drove my bayonet through his hand and called him a prat... I guess it isn't that long eh?", he chuckled in spite of his situation, "So, now I'm looking for Flint to kick his ass, and a new place to drink for a month.", he shrugged. In just about any other town on the face of the planet if a man wearing a mask over his face with a weapon that could only described as a fusion of a saw and a meat cleaver resting on his shoulder openly there would have been quite a stir... in Seren's Folley it seemed to be par for the course. Maybe that was the reason Draco had decided to come here in the first place; To blend in and feel like he belonged rather then stand out like a sore thumb. Glancing out from under his hat at what appeared to be another pair of hunters sitting in front of one of the town's various inn's, he paused only a moment before asking in a tone muffled by his facemask "Excuse me, but which inn would you recommend staying the night in?" Vivian turned and had to crane her neck to look up at the towering man. [color=fff200]"Well, aren't you just huge!"[/color] She grinned. [color=fff200]"As for the inn? Well I guess that depends on whether you're looking for peace and quiet, or company and easily flowing ale. Right Emiliano? I'm Vivian by the way."[/color] Emiliano similarly looked up at the large hunter and raised an eyebrow, "Well... I'd say Bobbies lace if your a hunter who does not mind some excitement [sub]or a couple of asshole brothers[/sub]", he said the last part under his breath thinking about the Digards. Regardless he shrugged, "Course they are all nice enough frined... whats you neame? Oh and as I'm sure you've guessed from Vivian saying it I'm Emiliano Parisi." If Draco had any feelings on the fact that his height was being drawn attention to, he didn't seem to show it. Vivian and Emiliano seemed pleasant enough... through he couldn't help but notice that the 'Parisi' seemed to be slurring his words a bit. "My name is Draco and it is a pleasure to meet the both of you... through I would prefer somewhere quiet and peaceful. I do go to such establisments in order to get some sleep after all." It was a poor attempt at humor, but the effort was at least made. Vivian grinned nodding. [color=fff200]"Sure, I getcha Drake."[/color] She assigned the man a pet name immediately. [color=fff200]"So you'd be wanting the inn right behind us then. Also the townsfolk put up wandering hunters from time to time. What brings you into town anyway? Or you for that matter Emil?"[/color] She turned to her companion her head tilted in question. Emiliano shrugged, "Then yea, this inn should do ya good.", he turned to Vivian and chuckled, "Rumours of a rather large Witch coven and other happening around this town. Nothing special. What about you? Similar reasons, or are you just stalking me?", he chuckled. The nickname of Drake didn't seem to bother Draco all that much; He had been called far, far worse things before. "Honestly I just heard that there were a lot of hunters gathering here. Didn't exactly hear anything solid about [i]what[/i] was being hunted but I've found that there are very few things that can just shrug off a strike from this beauty." A gloved hand went up to softly pat the side of the blade that was resting on his shoulder, a small dark chuckle escaping him. "I will admit that witches are a new one through. Never really bothered going after them before." Vivian admired the blade. [color=fff200]"That marks you as a Russ right? Much more pleasant that your father is rumored to be so far!"[/color] She flashed draco a bright grin. [color=fff200]"If you're looking for large game then you ought to stick around."[/color] She turned to Emiliano with a somber expression. [color=fff200]"One word, that no one's to repeat. Von'Strauss, I've heard whispers. When I get more I'll be riding out from here, with anyone I can get."[/color] Emiliano cocked an eyebrow at Vivian, "Von'Strauss? As in the one who killed Hector Digard? Here? Well... if she is in charge of that coven...", he audibly gulped thinking about it, "We uh... may need more hnters then... ", he looked quizically at Draco, "No Witches really? Strange... people tend to pay more for witches you know. Tougher to kill more often than not." The mention of his father seemed to make Draco seize up for a moment... before he relaxed once again as if nothing had happened. "I believe I might." The mention of the name Von'Strauss didn't get the fearful responce that it seemed to deserve from Draco, who instead tilted his head somewhat in confusion. "Never heard of such a family before." He admitted somewhat carelessly. Turning to look at Emiliano at the mention of a higher paycheck for witches, Draco shook his head. "Honestly it just never happened. There is always a big, nasty piece of work of a monster running around somewhere and someone has to go and deal with it while some hunters laze around for their next big payday." Vivian stared at Draco somewhat blankly. [color=fff200]"Have you heard of... I don't know the Black Death that was running about not two decades ago."[/color] She continued grimly. [color=fff200]"That was ONE pissed Von'Strauss whore, fortunately Hector Digard and company wiped them out years back. Or so we'd hoped, apparently one of the bitches made it out."[/color] Emiliano shrugged at Draco's comment about lazy hunters, "I take whatver work comes to me, beast or witch. I have just found that when I kill a witch I tend to get payed more you know? Maybe you should a hunt a witch or two, get some experience fighting them.", he smiled before nodding in agreement with Vivian, "Oh yea, the Von'Strauss clan were some truly evil eitchrd till Hector got rid of thrm... all but one apparently, And that one was [i]pissed[/i], I heard she hunted him down for many years, seeking her vengeance... crazy woman.", he shook his head despairingly. The idea that one person (Even if they were a talented magic user) had been accountable to the plague that swept through many of the towns and cities that he had visited at one time or another was absurd. Rolling his shoulders a little, Draco merely muttered "Oh please. The Black Death was not some spell that was summoned by an idiot who didn't understand that an illness that kills humans might backfire on her as well. If anything I suspect that it was something that afflected animals that somehow managed to start infecting humans. A werewolf most likely... the worst of both worlds." [color=fff200]"I hope you're right... but I suspect you're not."[/color] Vivian grinned. "And of course she would be pissed. Wouldn't you want vengence on anyone that slaughtered your family?" It was a simple statement, but it had to be said. [color=fff200]"That I can get, but burned villages? Slaughtered towns? There are some lines only evil will cross, and she's crossed 'em."[/color] Vivian said solemnly, before breaking back into her usual grin. [color=fff200]"Either way, it'll be a hell of a hunt if you want in? I could use some hunting buddies again in the meantime. The woods and crypts get lonely after all."[/color] Draco had to bite his tongue in order to prevent himself from saying something that would not doubt alienate himself from the fellow hunters; He didn't know how Vivian would take a challenge to her view of the world and sometimes you just had to let things go if you wanted to have someone to talk with at the end of the day. "But of course. I have never been against having company while on a hunt... If nothing else if normally gave the beast something else to chew on for a change." Draco offered with a dark little chuckle. Emiliano listened to the two discuss, preferring not to chime in as he really didn't care what caused the black plauge or anything. All he knew was that Von-Strauss killed Hector Digard, and that was enough reason for her to be destroyed. "Well Viv, you can count me in for that hunt as wll. Without Bobby's place I've nothing better to do and I need the coin anyways. Besides, it'll be nice to recconnect after our timee apart no?", really he also needed something to get his mind of his recent slew of personal issues... of course, Vivian didn't need to know that... didn't want her turning against him too. [color=fff200]"Excellent! It's decided then! We're the three musketeers! Taking on more!"[/color] Vivian performed a quick spin and struck a riduculous pose. Breaking into a laugh she patted her companions on their respective shoulders. [color=fff200]"I say we meet here tomorrow morning. I'll grab something nasty from the hunter's board and we'll get our steel wet? How's that sound?"[/color] "Like it was just another friday." Draco admitted with something of a deadpan tone to his voice. For some reason he could already tell that Vivian was just one of those people who pushes everyone else around them to try and be overly happy and excited about everything...even when they didn't want to. "Maybe something that isn't to far out of the way... A short and sweet hunt to get to know the local area a little before we plunge into the depths of madness and death sounds like a nice change of pace from the norm." Vivian nodded. [color=fff200]"Sure, we can play it that way if you like."[/color] She scratched the back of her head sheepishly. [color=fff200]"Wiser probably, I get excited easily, my bad. Get to know each other's capabilities too that way, the inferno and the like will have to wait eh?"[/color] A slender and poised woman stepped into Hunter's Rest, making a careful note to softly close the door, and took long sophisticated strides to a close bystander, and politely asked, [color=990000]"Do you perhaps know where I may find...eh...hunters?"[/color] [color=ffffff]"Well there's a couple outside, out in front. You could talk to them, not to me. I'm busy, go away."[/color], the bystander rudely proclaimed. [color=990000]"Thank you very much, sir!"[/color], she said with a dutiful smile as she nodded her head in a slight bow and stepped towards where she entered. The woman stepped out of the door, seeing the man and woman she had spotted on her way in, and she stepped up into their view. [color=990000]"Excuse me, tall cloaked man and astute pretty maiden..could you two perhaps happen to be Hunters?"[/color] Draco turned to look at the woman that had politely asked if both himself and Vivian were hunters... at least, he was assuming that she was asking them; She was looking right at them after all even if 'Tall Cloaked Man' could be used to describe half the people in town. Clicking his tongue for a moment as he made a show off looking at his saw-cleaver, he managed to a rather comedic tone of mock surprise "By gods! When did I pick this up? Well, it has been a rather long journey to get here so I might turn in for some rest. It was a pleasure meeting you Miss Vivian." Deciding to drop the mock surprise in his voice, Draco turned to look at the woman who had approched them properly. "Forgive me but I was just about to retire for a time. Maybe we will have the chance to speak again some other time soon through?" Once she had answered his question, he would offer her a small bow and go to properly sign in for a room at the inn. Things were only going to get more interesting from now on... he could feel it in his bones. She stared at the man when he expressed surprise at his weapon. It was obviously his, as the aesthetic of the blade matched his own. Then why was he surprised at the presence of said weapon? It was truly perplexing...perhaps he had an ailment of memory loss? She took this into mind as the man continued addressing her. When he had asked if they would be formally introduced at a later time, she nodded and said, [color=990000]"Of course, sir! "[/color] She hoped he did not forget to reunite with her again as she waved him off, and he was gone. She then turned her attention to the lady, and smiled once more. Vivian beamed at the woman. [color=fff200]"I'm a hunter, sure. Name's Vivian."[/color] She extended a hand while laughing. [color=fff200]"I've been called pretty before, but astute? That's a new one, crazy is the more often used descriptor of my mental faculties."[/color] [Color=990000]"Oh um...yes..I suppose so..um.."[/color] Was this woman she assumed to be quite learned and sophisticated actually morose and insane? She proclaimed so...mabye it was simply a claim to intimidate her opponents! Yes, that made sense. Perhaps the woman was attempting to intimidate her! Of course! She must have been extremely wise to have immediately picked up on the fact that she wished to be a hunter. So, of course, she would oblige and show her strength! She took the woman's hand firmly, and shook in an extremely powerful grip, while she smiled. Vivian tried to hide her grimace as the woman nearly crushed her hand. What a grip! She was starting to get the idea that this woman wasn't normal in one way or another. [color=fff200]"So, whatcha lookin' for hunters for?"[/color] Once the handshake was over she quickly moved her poor limb behind her back. [color=fff200]"And I never caught your name!"[/color] The woman was internally ecstatic, as the hunter's request of her name was a possible indicator that her aggressive demeanor had successfully wooed her! She performed a heavy ended bow, and proclaimed, [color=990000]"My name is Bermuda Fenteri Umbrah Tisti Kalizco, Red Interian Knight, of the Kalizco name, and the Yoola Province."[/color] After the introduction she stood back up and looked at the woman once more. [color=990000]"But you, if you so please, may call me Berk.'[/color], she said with a hearty grin. Vivian immediately knew the woman was strange, in the extreme. Not that she minded, she was grinning after all. Beaming back Vivian patted Berk's shoulder. [color=fff200]"Well met Berk! You're a Knight huh!?"[/color] She giggled [color=fff200]"What brings a Knight to Seren's Folley?"[/color] [Color=990000]"Well, I was ex-...I mean I left my kingdom in search of adventure and righteousness!"[/color] Surely the Hunter assembly wouldn't tolerate [i]outcasts and exiles[/i] into their ranks! Berk made a quick decision to...stretch her tale a bit, and make it a tad more appealing. [color=990000]"I believe the Hunters make it possible to find such throes of heroism?"[/color] [color=fff200]"Indeed! We have all sorts of throes, death throes, heroism, yadda yadda."[/color] Vivian beamed happily. [color=fff200]"I'm planning something for tomorrow if you'd like to accompany me and mine! In the meantime you should meet Bobby!"[/color] She gestured to the tavern across the street and began walking Berk could not believe what had just happened. Was it...that simple? A simple introduction, conversation, and handshake was all that she required to join the ranks of the Hunters!? She could not help but feel...enthusiastically disappointed. Yes, she was now, assuming the woman's offer was that of a hunt, into the Hunters, however all the practice in speech and etiquette...was all for nothing? She was lost in perplexity for a moment as she pondered the lady's departing words. Bobby...tavern...across the street. She turned her head in the direction of said tavern and stepped towards it. Time to meet a new face. She stepped into the tavern, glancing around the room for anyone fitting the description of "Bobby". She could find no said man (or woman, who was she to judge with the name "Berk") resided in the bar. She decided to just let the opportunity present itself, and she sat down next to a middle aged man at the bar. Bobby glanced up at the new girl who entered his bar. Yet another he hasn't met. Bobby knew most of the hunters in the area, even some a long far away. He Stood up from his seat and hobbled over, wincing at the pain his leg was causing him today. He stopped at the bar just in front of her. [color=f26522]"Ello there lassy, Welcome to me tavern. Witches Paradise, where you can get all you need for yer huntin needs. Wot can I do for yuu?" [/color] [color=990000]"Oh, well I suppose I will take a hard brandy on the rocks, if I may ask. I have sufficient funds, of course!" [/color] She placed a strange, foreign coin on the countertop and gleamed a smile. [color=990000]"And I was searching for an individual by the name of Bobby, if you so happened to be aware of their whereabouts, sir!"[/color] Vivian grinned and took a seat next to her newfound companion. [color=fff200]"There he is! The Bobster himself in the flesh, he's killed more nasties than I've met people. If you're looking for tips or lore, he's your guy."[/color] She beamed up at Bobby. [color=fff200]"Don't piss 'im off though, or you'll find yourself with nothing to drink and dreprived of his lovely wife's cooking."[/color] Bobby raised his eyebrows at the drink of choice. Normally not a womans style from what he knew of. But everyone had their tastes. She had placed a strange coin on the counter and his took it, felt it's weight and bit it, testing how soft it was. The quallity was far supirior to what this kingdoms normal currency was. And by the weight of it, it was worth alot more than just a drink...per haps a few days for a room. He listened to when she asked where 'he' was. Before he could answer though, Vivian snuck in and plopped right next to her, introducing him as Bobster. He sighed and shook his head. Before looking to the new woman. Grunting at her intro he then said,[color=f26522] "Aye I'm Bobby. This here coin is worth more than a drink lassy. Yuu want the change or do you want food and board for a few nights as well?" [/color] After she answered he would then asked,[color=f26522] "Why yuu looking for me then?" [/color] [color=990000]"Oh, yes! I was actually quite confused on where to find proper bedding and rest for the night, as I am quite new here. I thank you for your generosity, Sir...erm...Bobby!"[/color] In her mind, she was terrified that she had rubbed the wrong way on the man. First, with the misrepresentation and false recognition, and as well with her strange choice of alcohol. Berk was extremely anxious at this point. Once Bobby's second question was proclaimed, she looked over at Vivian and smiled. [Color=990000]"Well this woman right here kindly recommended I seek your presence, as to a possible escapade of sorts?"[/color] Vivian beamed. [color=fff200]"We're buddies now, so I thought I'd introduce her to the finest hunter to mount a head."[/color] She laughed. [color=fff200]"And a more honest barkeep that most I'd say!"[/color] [color=fff200]"Caught up with Emil, and met a pair of new hunters today Bobster."[/color] Vivian looked over the hunter's board. [color=fff200]"So I thought to myself 'self, why don't we drag them along on a hunt?' I didn't find an adequate excuse not to so we're riding out tomorrow morning or the next to get some work done. With black things on the wind it might be wise to partner up and whatnot right Bobby?"[/color] She flashed him a bright grin. Bobby Smiled. "Just Bobby lass..." He looked to Vivian. His smile vanished."Just bobby." Though he ever doubted that she would never stop calling him Bobster. When she answered his second question he said, "Oh?" Just as Vivian started to speak. Glancing over to her. At the mention of Emiliano his face darkened. Damn fool... But he nodded, "Fer wot's been going on the last few days, Demon Lord werewolves, and Necromancers..." [i] Unkillable vampires[/i] he thought to himself. "Best everyone find a partner." He looked back to the new woman, who held her self so proper. "Ye must be knight I'm guessing? With all your politeness oozing out. It's hard to miss. Second woman knight I've met today...wot a weird thing. May I ask yer name lass?" [color=990000]"Oh, yes of course!"[/color], she said as she bowed once again. [color=990000]"My name is Bermuda Fenteri Umbrah Tisti Kalizco, Red Interian Knight, of the Kalizco name, and the Yoola Province."[/color], she said with the same proper attitude and demeanor as her first introduction. After she eased up, she leaned against the bar and smiled at Bobby. [color=990000]"But you may call me Berk."[/color] [color=990000] "And yes, I am indeed a knight. Although I am not currently a resident of my kingdom, and my official knighthood has been stunted for a stretch."[/color] She grimaced a bit and waited for her drink. [color=fff200]"Stunted? How do you stunt a knighthood? Is it tabacco and alchohol like my mom used to say?"[/color] Vivian tilted her head quizzically, still grinning. [color=fff200]"Well whatever the case, being a normal plebian hunter is fun anyway!"[/color] The bartender came by with the drink and placed it infront of her while Bobby watched her as she rattled off a long name and title, from a land he only heard of. He blinked a few times, wondering if he must call her by her full name, but she added just Berk...Berk he could handle! Vivian asked about her stunted Knighthood. He knew what she might of meant but didn't say anything. "Well we could always use some veteran fighters." He looked to Vivian, "Wot ye going after then with Berk...and Emiliano..." He hesitated for a moment, not watnig to even mention the name and it just came out. [color=990000]"Oh, simply an...altercation. It wasn't much, really."[/color], she said, an obvious uncomfortable tone to her voice. It was apparent she'd rather keep her reasoning to herself, and leave the cause to wonder. She peered over at Vivian once Bobby had asked his question. She as well was intrigued by the...[i]festivities[/i] that would be taking place later on. With eyes suddenly on her she colored lightly before leaning over and squinting at the Hunter's board. [color=fff200]"Hmmm... Lemme see...."[/color] Her grin intensified - somehow - as she evidently found something that pleased her. [color=fff200]"Sweet! Look at that!"[/color] Standing she rushed over and pulled down a scrap of paper. [color=fff200]"Looks like someone's got a werewolf problem up north near a cemetary! Draco was saying he kinda specialized in wolves, and me'thinks the undead problem could be witchly in origin!"[/color] Her eyes practically sparkled as she looked towards Berk. [color=fff200]"Whadduya think?"[/color] Berk was ecstatic at the news that Vivian was interested in allowing her to accompany them on the hunt, and could barely contain her excitement as she gleefully exclaimed, [color=990000]"Yes, absolutely yes! I would love nothing more than to join Hunters on an expedition!!"[/color] She raised from her seat and could do nothing more than slam her drink down uneventfully and skip out the door.