"Two witchers, and a human swordsman." "Are you kidding me? I swear your a witch yerself." A smirk appearing on a lad's face, he held out his hand wrapped in leather, expectingly. A cat like gaze as he tilted head head, seeming to grow more an more amused at the look of irritation that was given to him. Sitting at the front of the inn, Anath had been speaking to the keeper for a while now. The smell of ale and wooden seat becoming well known after the years he used them, despite his young appearance. It was always good to gather information here, this was where all sorts gather, from all kinds of backgrounds. With a little ale to loosen their lips the boy seemed to have found himself a gold mine. One that was soaked in the smell of piss and corpses outside, but a gold mine non the less. Though even with the thought, he saw it as a small sanctuary, one of the many that he would hide in whenever the guards had wanted his head. The owner here had hid him more than once when he was in a tight spot. Nothing a little coin and spoken word couldn't get you in this place of drunken stupors and cards of gwent. But that was not why she came here. No, not at all, the damn fool, him and his frilly attire. It was not even a day ago when Dijkstra gave her the job. She had just came back from a rough patch with a gang fewed, she now had a bounty on her head, least with them. And he was already asking her to take on another case. But it was not one she could refuse, the temptation was as sweet to her, as wore house was to a drunken swine. So here she was, the appearance of a boy, no older than 15 it seemed, with a cap hiding pointed ears, and placing bets of who would enter the inn. Even though she's been cheating for some time now, the woman already knew who would be coming, she just saw a chance to earn some coin. Reaching to her shoulder, she gave a rat a small pet, the creature still under her hand. "Why don't you get that vermin out of here?" A roll of her eyes, she took a swig of her drink. "Oh come now, we both know that this little fella is cleaner than half the peasants of Novigrad." She only earned a snort in response, waving him off as he began to warn her. "Best watch what you say round here, don't need you taking your secrets to an early grave." "I didn't take this job because of the long life expectancy. Go take your wise words and give em to someone who cares about their skin." Another round she downed her drink, acting as if she were just a young boy who for some reason had too much power. Yet under the façade, she kept a ear trained at her back, listing to what the witchers had to say. Dijkstra already gave her a hint on who would be interested in this job, the bastard never just going straight to the point though had caused her to be careful. [i]Never go jumping to conclusions, you'll only get a new rope necklace.[/i] The rat on her shoulder began to climb down her arm, curious eyes and a twitching nose to keep her company, she gave it another pat on it's back, smooth fur under her finger tips, while she waited for them to bring the next move.