[hider=Damian Wayne] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/murderseries/images/7/77/Damien.png/revision/latest?cb=20150502023114[/img] Name: Damian Wayne Age: 11 Alias: Robin, Ibn Al X'uffasch: Son of the Bat Appearance: Skills/Abilities: Damian was trained almost from birth to be as perfect an heir as possible to Ra's Al-Ghul and one day take over command of the League of Assassins and has taken after both of his parents in terms of sheer natural aptitude for excellence. He claims to be as skilled in martial arts as Batman himself between training from his mother and various League tutors and while this is doubtlessly an exaggeration he is skilled in a wide variety of combat disciplines. His bragging about mastering every weapon known to man is likewise overblown but perhaps less so, given his not just proficiency with but outright fondness for everything from bows to modern firearms to the thrown weapons of the Bat Family, though he has an especially keen love of swords of all types. When combined with a particularly bright mind for combat tactics on all levels and a degree of physical fitness about as close to perfect as is possible for a child of his age Damian becomes a fairly strong contender for the most lethal person on the planet under the age of twelve. Aside from just combat as the future leader of the League of Assassins Damian was required to study a wide range of subjects including environmental survival, economics and business strategy, various forms of engineering and more. Where Damian really, really shines however even among the Bat-Family is all things stealth and infiltration. This is partly due to his small size and youth but also due to being raised among a society of assassins until stealth became second nature. As a bit of an odd addition to all this he's capable of incredibly precise vocal mimicry and has been trained to fight and function entirely without eyesight. Weaknesses: Despite being under the wing of the Bat-Family for some two years now Damian's biggest weaknesses are still related to his upbringing. He's hardly a social butterfly and struggles at connecting with or understanding others or behaving even remotely like a normal child and especially with showing his genuine emotions without a mask of confident invulnerability over them. Though much of his former attitude has begun to change he still struggles with the extremist ideals of the League and the concept that the world was something that belonged to him. His arrogance and overconfidence in his skills can cause him to be caught by surprise when he underestimates his opponents as he frequently does. For similar reasons while better than the average person and possessed of a genius intellect he's still a relatively poor detective as he tends to be rash and jump to conclusions. Also, despite his technically high degree of combat ability he's far less effective than he should be due to his training primarily focusing on killing his opponents quickly and efficiently clashing with the non-lethal code of the Bat-Family that he's trying very hard to adhere to now. History: Born 11 years ago, the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al-Ghul was raised to be a warrior prince, a young conqueror who would one day command the League of Assasssins and purify the world according to the vision of the Demon Head, Ra's Al-Ghul. As such he was subjected to extremely harsh training methods by a variety of tutors and often tested near to the breaking point, though his mother generally oversaw his combat training personally in what passed for bonding time. When he succeeded he was treated like a prince and lavishly rewarded and as he grew both older and more successful he grew proud and cruel as well, molded by Ra's and an entire court's worth of manipulators that wanted to mold him to their ideas. Fortunately for Damian, Talia disliked how much influence the League was having on her son. Wanting a healthier life than the League could give him and higher ideals for him to strive for in life, Talia secreted Damian away at the age of nine and gave him over to his father in Gotham. Since that time Damian has found himself struggling with suddenly being part of a very different sort of family and also trying to gain a grasp on a 'normal' life while following in his father's footsteps as a crime-fighter. For around the first year or so Damian was mostly kept secret while the rest of the Bat Family kept a tight leash on him and tried to civilize him, only let out while supervised though he did his best to subvert these efforts. With the exit of Tim Drake as Gotham's active Robin Damian began to pursue what he saw as his destiny even more actively and had only become trusted enough to officially debut as Robin within the last year or so. Now with the disappearance of his father, Damian struggles to find his place in the family as well as keep stability in Gotham in Bruce's name. [/hider]