[img]https://i.imgur.com/OvnUnST.png[/img] Eddie was already a little apprehensive about his new... coworkers? Fellow ghostbusters? Whatever they were they didn't seem to be a great bunch so far. The girl was normal enough, but the others... well, Adrian was [i]far[/i] to eager to pull out his gun. As for the other guy, well, besides the fact that he had yet to introduce himself it seemed like he was already mad at Eddie for some reason. Besides the snarky comment about wasting his 'precious time' he had a look about him like he was silently judging everyone around him. [i][b][color=A3A3A3]Maybe I did do something to him? Should I try to make it up to him? Maybe he thought I was looking at his arm and took offense?[/color][/b][/i] Eddie decided that must be it. He observed the man's coffee stained teeth as he spoke. [i][b][color=A3A3A3]Caffeine addict? Maybe I can bring him a cup as a peace offering?[/color][/b][/i] Eddie decided on it, unaware of the fact that there was no perceived slight and the Lancer was, in fact, just an asshole. For now he pushed away his apprehensions. He was already here and he had a job to do. He had no questions as they approached the helicopter. He was impressed by it- there was no doubt that the organization at least had a modicum of legitimacy. After all, it would be hard for a mere conspiracy nuts to obtain a helicopter for their loony ghost hunting club. He watched as the sickly guy who for some reason was mad at him berated Adrian for asking where the helicopter came from. Eddie sighed internally. It's not like wondering where a ghost hunter got a military grade helicopter was weird. [b][color=a3a3a3][i]Maybe he isn't angry at me, more just angry at everyone.[/i][/color][/b] For now Eddie would take a seat in the helicopter. He didn't have any questions, at least any questions directly pertaining to the mission. He would save his questions for when he was sure this was the real deal.