Maedoc grumbled under his breath. Maybe the gunk would help eventually, but at the moment it just stung. Although, by the time he finally was able to finish bandaging it, it wasn't so bad. Another thing that was darkening his mood was her insistence on details. He felt a certain level of secrecy was his only safety net, but she seemed to want to know [i]everything.[/i] He stared her hard in the eye. If he gave away details, there'd be scarce little left to work with. He'd have to trust those last threads of safety to hold him up. He'd reveal a little more. "It's a military research facility, to be specific. That case holds a microchip that will run one of their last projects. Once we do that, I'm almost positive we'll also be able to get into the computers. Those computers will contain a number of files, including blueprints. They should have been shielded, so the engine going off shouldn't have fried them. Those blueprints will probably include ships -- the fast ones. I'm talking half the time to get to another planet compared to the one that went nuclear." He sighed. "But I've obviously never been there, so I obviously don't know exactly what is in there." That left why. He could tell her half of that, at least. "As for why? Well, I'm hoping that once I have access... I can wage war on the military and tear everything down. But since you hate this place, that shouldn't matter to you, right? If you have your way, you won't even have to be here for most of it." His expression almost went blank, his eyes gaining a sort of soullessness -- a coldness. Ice covering up something much more violent deep down.