[center][hr][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Dominique%20Saunders&name=Garton.ttf&size=75&style_color=26AFFF[/img] [b][h3]&[/h3][/b] [img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Tristan%20Saunders&name=Champignon.ttf&size=75&style_color=204F05[/img] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] Lunch Period Ending → After School Around 3:15 [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] [b][color=26afff]Dominique[/color][/b]- Beverly Hills High Hallway → Beach → A Hotel | [color=204f05][b][Tristan[/b][/color]- Beverly Hills High Office → Saunders Residence [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Lucky & Anna -[@Aewin] | Audrey -[@Dirty Pretty Lies] | Jackson & Lilith-[@Wintergrey][/center][hr][indent][indent]Dominique sighed while pressing her back against her locker, waving a hand towards her friends. [color=26afff][b]"I need a minute."[/b][/color] She muttered under her breath while looking at Lucky, just feeling like she blew it with such an awesome and great guy. While she inhaled then exhaled, repeatedly, She stood away from the lockers, flipping her hair and staring at her two best friends. [color=26afff][b]"I'm not sure, Ana. We were having fun, laughing and then bam! Hit me and Tristan like a ton of bricks."[/b][/color] Dominique waved her hand in the air again. [color=26afff][b]"My parents are going to have some serious explaining to do when I want to talk them again."[/b][/color] She said while turning her attention towards Lucky. [color=26afff][b]"I'm sorry but I might just need some alone, me time right now."[/b][/color] She placed a hand upon his shoulder. [color=26afff][b]"I would love it if we hung out somewhere later today, after school though."[/b][/color] Dominique said while pulling out a pen and opening her locker again, slamming it once she had tore a piece of paper off of her tablet, writing down an address and her number. [color=26afff][b]"Text me before you arrive."[/b][/color] She handed him the piece of paper but didn't tell him that it was a hotel but also hoped that he didn't know that already. With a smile she turned towards Audrey and stared at her. [color=26afff][b]"Honestly, Audrey, I am not sure why you're acting like this when you sleep with like everyone!"[/b][/color] She had just about had it at this point. Dominique sighed again while biting her bottom lip. [color=26afff][b]"Sorry, I didn't mean it."[/b][/color] She gave Audrey a sincere hug while holding onto her shoulders, looking into her eyes. [color=26afff][b]"I might be."[/b][/color] Dominique honestly said while sighing and glancing between Ana, Audrey, who had walked off already and Lucky. [color=26afff][b]"Okay, guys, I think I am going to go. See you all, later."[/b][/color] She waved her hand then walked up to Jackson, giving him a hug. [color=26afff][b]"Break Ana's heart and I will destroy you."[/b][/color] She had whispered in his ear then patted his shoulder with a smile. Dominique walked away from them and into the parking lot, seeing Alex with a girl. [color=26afff][b][i]'Ugh. She must be new.'[/i][/b][/color] She thought to herself while getting in her car and driving away from the school. It seems like things were getting a bit topsy-turvy at her school, the school she was supposing ruling. Dominique leaned back in her seat at a traffic light, drumming her fingers over the steering wheel while making a turn whenever the light turned green, going towards the beach. She hasn't been there since she hosted her party so the feeling of getting closer and closer was getting a bit strange. She still stopped there but sat in the parking lot, watching the few happy people down in the sand. She sat there and visualized how her life would be differently if she didn't agree to go to The Hamptons with her parents, or if her friends weren't fighting over a guy like Jackson. With an annoyed eye roll, she pulled out of the beach's parking lot and drove to get something to eat and went back to her hotel room. She sat the food aside and plopped down on her bed, sighing heavily as she ate her food then turned over to take a brief nap. Shuddering out of her sleep a few hours and minutes later, she saw that it was 3:15 in the afternoon. She had hoped that Lucky hasn't texted her but when she checked her phone, he hasn't yet. She ran her fingers through her ebony locks of hair with a sigh while pondering on what she was going to do tonight. She had hoped that Lucky was stopping by so that she could have at least one day or night as a normal teenager.[/indent][/indent] [center][h3][b]- & -[/b][/h3][/center] [indent][indent]When Lilith trudged past him, he raised a brow because he didn't know what had happened. If she thinks, she had problems right now, she was dead wrong because a lot of things was eating him up inside. Tristan wasn't one to be known for a confrontation so he just shook his head, giving her a little bit of space as possible while asking the office receptionist if he could use the phone. [color=204f05][b]"Hey, Mom. Can you come and get me, please? People are acting totally weird and I just still need some time to process everything."[/b][/color] His mother agreed as he thanked her, hanging the phone up and thanked the receptionist before sitting down in a nearby chair. His eyes looked out of the glass pane window into the parking lot as he saw Alex and some girl walking to his car proceeded by Dominique walking towards hers. A slight brow raised up as he wondered where she was headed. Tristan raised his hand up to his forehead, rubbing it while sighing softly to himself. A few minutes passed and his mother pulled up as he immediately hopped up from his seat and ran down the few stairs that were placed in front of the school. Tristan got in the car and let out a frustrated groan then looked out of his window, not even paying attention or acknowledging his mother. [b]"Let's get something to eat, yeah?"[/b] His mother suggested while pulling out of the parking lot and going to Tristan's favorite pizzeria, Tony's. The whole afternoon of eating at Tristan's favorite restaurant was silent. His mother paid for the entire check and he left the waiter a ten dollar tip. Whenever they got back in the car, his mother started the engine and turned towards him with a sigh. [b]"I'm just going to let you know that your father is no longer at home. Where is he at? I do not know."[/b] His mother said. [b]"Just to give you a heads up."[/b] Tristan nodded his head and just wanted to get home, get his homework done and just sleep for the rest of the night or whatever. When they pulled up to their home, Tristan pulled out his phone and started typing a message towards Lilith then erased it, sighing. He just wanted to know what was going on right now. He was already going through a lot and didn't need to add anymore fuel to the fire. [b]"Dinner should be ready by seven."[/b] His mother said as he nodded again, walking upstairs and going inside of his room, catching up on his missed assignments and even doing extra homework to get his mind off of somethings. Tristan twiddled his pencil in his hand then dropped it while picking up his phone and sending a text to Lilith.[/indent][/indent] [center][color=204f05][b]To: Lilith Whenever you're ready, we need to talk.[/b][/color][/center]