[hider=Character Numero Dos][center][img]http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/c7f8de0801be194ea9647fbec0b4ea0e?s=400&[/img] [sub][color=Gold]Ashanti Jindal[/color] [color=Gold]◆[/color] 27 [color=Gold]◆[/color] January 12 [color=Gold]◆[/color] 5'6" [color=Gold]◆[/color] Soldier [/sub][/center] [color=Gold][sub] I D E O L O G Y[/sub][hr][/color] A cowardly coward to the highest degree and paranoid almost to a fault, Ashanti will nevertheless follow orders when directed to even in the face of giant rampaging Mordrem who could likely kill her with a look (provided someone is there to reign her in). Still, Ashanti is a determined individual who can and will succeed at whatever task she sets herself to. Even if it means running away very fast from giant rampaging Mordrem who could likely kill her with a look, you can be damned sure that it'll be the best retreat you'll ever see, tail between the legs and all.. [color=Gold][sub] B A C K G R O U N D[/sub][hr][/color] Hailing from the island of Auzoa, Ashanti grew up with perfect weather, perfect waves, and perfect fear of the encroaching Mordrem. However, being born deep into poverty provided her little chance of moving away from the idyllic islands. While her parents supported Ashanti however they could, there was often little they could do except ensure that she would have a roof over her head (no matter how shaky), clothes to wear (no matter how thing), and food to eat (no matter how questionable it was). Unfortunately, life steadily grew worse as the Mordrem grew closer and closer to the island. Price levels quickly rose as the island's economy fell into a rut with its loss of tourism, driving Ashanti's family deeper into poverty. Mass evacuation orders were issued, but gangs and fanatic groups that had already began popping up in the wake of Auzoa's ineffectual government let no one in or out of their established territories. They would conscript and indoctrinate anyone they could lay their hands on, and killing those who wouldn't comply. Ashanti's father was one of the few that refused to bend his knee. After the death of her father, Ashanti's mother managed to smuggle the rest of their family out of Auzoa, allowing them to flee toward Cetra. Ashanti's mother would die on the journey. Ashanti and the rest of her surviving family would drift for months before settling down into one of many shanty towns that were built by and for all the refugees that sought escape from the ever growing Dark Zone. Not allowing their parents' memories and effort be stained and wasted, they all continued to try and better their lives despite still being at rock bottom. Ashanti herself would drag herself through the shanty town's schooling program before joining up with the military and committing her life to it ever since. [color=Gold][sub] W A R F A R E[/sub][hr][/color] A trained soldier, Ashanti is used to fighting in a squad, working as a single cohesive unit to achieve a higher goal. Aside from her exceptional luck, she is average in every other area of combat. She also boasts about her supposed ability to detect danger wherever it may happen around her, but this is only because she's always expecting something bad to happen.[/hider] Couldn't get a post out, but I did manage to pull out that character I said I was making a while back. She'll be attached to the Hammer of the Army (unless that mission's getting too full). [sub]The Wicked Witch of the West went her own way.[/sub]