It does sound interesting, as long as it doesn't follow the same storyline as Hotline Miami [i](and I'm not talking about you, [@DeadBeatWalking] as I'm sure you've got a storyline, but more people that want to mimic the game itself and shoehorn in an idea)[/i] As for super powers. Yes they can be cool and I would love to have some special abilities!!!! However I do believe that it might over-saturate the RP with extra bits that don't make sense. You've already got a bit of an anarchy/riot feel to it. Powers will take that away and turn it into a silly super-hero story in my opinion. [quote=@DeadBeatWalking] [indent]• The Warriors faced every other gang, The Jets faced The Sharks, The Outsiders faced class warfare, and The Sons of Anarchy faced themselves. Which kind of story would you be most interested in? • Should every player be from the same gang, or should there be members from different gangs? Alternatively, should every player's character be the [i]leader[/i] of a gang, or not? Should we accept non-gang players like police officers?[/indent] [/quote] Creating different gangs as a player will cause it to become quite a large RP. While I would like to have a gang of my own, I would then have to create different members and a uniqueness to it. Unless this is going to be a Nation RP, I would stick to people being from a predefined selection of groups. If people want to create a second character for the other gang, then that could always be an eventual possibility, and in the future you may wish to add a third group to the mix. Leaving the gang creation in your own hands means you can control their pros and cons, where as giving it to others will mean that they are free to create what they want and you may have to be a little more critical on the applications (Similar experience with a space RP I had where people could create a 'race' for a character). With Police, I personally wouldn't allow them as a main character, but only a secondary character. That way the story is more about the members rather than a police taskforce. (Possible GM only class as players may ruin your fun with unwanted raids and such - potential to metagame) I'm interested to see where this would go and it does sound interesting. I am getting a bit of a Scarface view as well seeing as that was set about the same time period. [i](Also helps that I have a massive Scarface poster on the wall behind where my laptop sits)[/i]