[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Iris%20Flowers&name=Precious.ttf&size=100&style_color=DBA0BC[/img] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/2b8f18b07136dda2437432bddf6731e7/tumblr_nubpfssOsp1qb64kco1_250.gif[/img] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/cbd5e63ef342d4f391eb7717098763a9/tumblr_nubpfssOsp1qb64kco4_r1_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr]Interacting with; [@Xtreme] Elden Rowan (briefly), [@Lionheart] William Lannister, [@Carlsberg] Talea Derlys[hr][hr] Now that the conflict had died down and the tension had been more of less diffused, Iris kept to herself as she usually did, her crystalline gaze tracing the room and analysing each and every being. She kept to Elden's side, a stab of guilt causing her to bite her lip as she darted a glance at him. The feeling was unfamiliar to her, so she paid little attention to it after a few seconds. She stuck to the back of the procession as they were led to the throne room. Her eyes immediately sought the Iron Throne, an object of which she had only seen illustrations of. It took a lot of effort for her not to raise an eyebrow, the first thought she had was how uncomfortable it looked. The Queen's throne, however, seemed far more suitable and a hidden smile played at the corner of her lips. A part of her, the part with the blood of the Tyrell house, yearned to sit upon it, looking down upon her subjects and have her way. Yet, another mystery part of herself wanted nothing more than adventure, some freedom from this regal stiffness. She was pulled out from her thoughts as the other Wards either knelt or bowed or curtseyed to the man before them and, a second after everyone else, she swept low in a practised curtsey. Iris' eyes stayed fixed on the proclaimed Dragon who proceeded to greet them with a dismissal comment towards their formality. The statement would normally inspire a warm liking to the man if it wasn't for the fact that he was a Targaryen. She remained upright and proper, her head tilted slightly upwards to display her interest, but not so much so that she seemed disrespectful. The conclusion to the introduction from the King came as a great relief, as Iris felt her jaw ache from the tension in her mouth. Her gaze briefly followed Elden as he approached the Baratheon boy, but was dragged away by the words of none other than William Lannister himself. Her lips curled upwards in a polite smile at his offer, and she inclined her head as he bowed as a sign of respect. The Tyrells had always been civil with the Lannisters, yet their alliances were somewhat lacking despite their common ground in their view towards the throne.[color=FFDAB9] [b]"It would be an honour, my Lord."[/b][/color] Her smile widened, revealing youthful dimples. For a moment, she glanced at the female bodyguard. It was not difficult to sense the girl's unease, and a mischievous part of Iris longed to agitate her further. However, remaining composed, her gaze softened slightly and, unusually so for a woman, she offered out her hand to be taken in escort. It was such a Tyrell gesture, the open friendliness and forward manner of her actions, that it would be hard to believe that she was not of pure blood. [color=FFDAB9][b]"Shall we?"[/b][/color]