Kat adjusted her headset and began to speak into it reading off her findings for the rest of the team. [color=8882be]"Adam Smith, died age 44, and Joseph Smith, died age 18. Adam worked as a construction worker for several years before he inherited the farm from his father. He actually constructed the barn they passed away in after the previous barn was destroyed in a storm. As for Adam, it seems he was quite popular in school, baseball player most likely was going to play in college. They were in the barn loft when it collapsed beneath them and they fell in a storage shed with some of their sharpest tools. Their deaths were ruled as accidental, apparently during the inspection it was found that a support beam snapped causing the loft to collapse. The farm itself has remained with the family for quite some time- they mainly do naturally grown organic foods, sometimes working out specific agreements with restaurants and the like for a specific kind and quantity of crop. Quite small actually- it seems they did most of the work themselves outside a bit of local help from the high school. I doubt they have any of the larger farming equipment. As for the client herself, Elizabeth Granger Smith, age 42, got married to Adam at 22 and had Joseph at 24. Formerly involved in numerous community organizations, PTA, that sort of thing, but it seems she dropped out after the incident and hasn't often been seen around town lately. There are some rumors that she may be selling the farm soon as well."[/color] She locked her iPad up and moved to put it back into her laptop bag. As she glanced away from the screen however, she found Lancer's eyes upon angry enough to start spitting daggers at her. She slowly raised one eyebrow at him questioningly, a frown on her face. She had not done anything in particular to the man, and he had ignored her introduction earlier today. With a cool tone of voice and a flat professional expression on her face she asked, [color=8882be]"Is there something in particular that I can you with Mr. Lancer?"[/color]