Rosa laughed as she informed Abrax that Trish wanted to meet, there were few whom were missing from the random chance reunion. The nostalgia coursed through her body, almost like she was excited, but with a bit of angst at the terms of the crew's disbanding. Whilst they walked through the crowd, the former pirates surprisingly fit in quite well at home, bringing memories back for Rosa. In a twisted sort of way she had missed this criminal camaraderie, the dark rhythms of Afterlife almost being the soundtrack for their shore leave back in the day. Suddenly, Rosa's mismatched cockney accent stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd, calling out as she had spotted another of their former crew-mates, Errol Vahn. He almost didn't look any different, his skin seemingly never aging, and his brown, spiked hair contrasting the olive skin tone. [i]His damn hair is even the same.[/i] She thought to herself as she guide herself and her Krogan companion to Errol's position at the bar. Abrax quickly stuffed the remainder of the ryncol bottle into the human male's hands as Rosa beckoned him to follow, which he agreed, with a confused look on his face, but anyone could tell it was at least a pleasant surprise, in one way or another. After a short walk, they had made their way through the first door and were beginning to leave. As the music began to drown out from the sound of the sealing door behind them, the trio walked a few feet before Martinez spoke once more. "This is far too weird." She remarked, looking at the ground with her arms around the two. Shaking her head at the ground as they went. Coming up on the sealed door to the club's exterior. "It's been too long lads."