[color=OrangeRed] [center] [h1] Theodore Maxwell[/h1] [/center] [/color] [hr] The world was so simple, as Theo looked up at the roof glassy eyed. All the mattered was how pretty the sight before him was, never in his life had he seen such a lovely sight. All the while blissfully unaware that the bartender that had severed him and some good Sarmatian where coming to his aid. As something called out to him Theo only made a another noise in response, barely able to understand what was being said to him. What was it that something was saying. The sound of loud snapping in his ear rang, but Theo ignored it whatever it was surely someone else would deal with it. Even if he wanted to Theo body just didn't want to move, not that he wanted to move as whatever he was laying on was just so comfortable. As Theo lay on the floor he could see some sort of thing squat down next to him, Theo unable to tell what it was as his eyes wouldn't focus on it. As the some sort of thing squatted down next to him it said something about not doing something, but Theo didn't fully hear what was spoken. It was hard to focus on what was being said around him, it was almost like the world was really far away. It wasn't just the what said around him everything seemed to fading into nothingness, his eyes where starting to grow heavy and bit by bit where starting to close. [hr] [center] [h1] Jack [/h1] [/center] If Jack hadn't known Theo as well as he did, he would have taken his eyes of his friend long ago. Unaware of his friends tendency to complete and utterly send himself into oblivion. Why because that was Theo, it was a task that wasn't easy give how well he could hold his liquor, but his friend always found a way. That didn't bother Jack it was the fact Theo rarely seemed to get hung over or if he did he was good at hiding it. Regardless having been friends with Theodore for so long when they went drinking together Jack always watched Theo and always made sure to have a means to get him home, after all that what a good friend. Even as Jack was chatting up quite the looker of a girl, he watched Theo order some sort of drink and down it all in one go. Jack pretty sure this would be the one that put his friend on his ass. Sure enough it didn't take long after he had finished down whatever he had order Theo was on the floor. "Typical ..." Jack thought as he excused himself form his female companion. Going over to Theo Jack noticed two others coming to his aid, causing Jack to sigh. One person he recognized as one of the bartenders, the other was ... well ... Jack didn't know. He hadn't seen Theo interact with him so maybe he was simply a nice person wanting to help the downed Theo. "Hi folks, I'm sorry about Theodore." Jack stated to both of them, giving a small smile and a wave. "I'm Jack and I'm this sorry drunks friend." he stated hoping the bartender would recall them coming in together, he didn't feel like trying to prove it. [@BeastofDestiny][@Sarcelle Renard]