Alrighty, finished my CS. How's it look? [hider=Guess Who] [center][color=ed1c24][h1][u]The Nameless Warrior[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [center][sup][i]"I've just come to realize over the years that sometimes things happen that are just out of your control and all you can do is try to your best to make with what you have... Things won't be bad all the time and things will never be good all of the time, so you have to deal with the bad and appreciate the good."[/i] - Me[/sup][/center] [hider=With Armor] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Without Armor] [img][/img] [/hider] [color=ed1c24]Name:[/color] Guess Who (or Guess for short) [color=ed1c24]Gender:[/color] Male [color=ed1c24]Age:[/color] 18 [color=ed1c24]Species:[/color] Just a boring old Human (though I don't appreciate actually being called boring) [color=ed1c24]Abilities:[/color] None. There is no skill that I'm particularly great at, I'm merely average at most things or unable to do them completely. However, I have shown a history of perseverance and as long as I set my mind to it I'm unlikely to not at least put my best effort at the task at hand. [color=ed1c24]Combat Skills:[/color] I have been shown to have a preference to swords, handguns, and assault rifles and have an average amount of skill at the usage of weapons of that type. Any other type of weapons I am more likely to sever my own foot then to hit my target, especially magical types. [color=ed1c24]Equipment:[/color] [list] [*]A [url=]bastard sword[/url] that I can both wield with one or two hands. [*]A [url=]hardlight shield[/url] that extends from the left bracer of my armor [*]A [url=]pulse rifle[/url] [*]A [url=]sidearm[/url] [/list] [color=ed1c24]Group Affiliation:[/color] None. I enjoy being able to make my own decisions, though I don't disrespect leaders or purposefully disobey orders just because of that. [color=ed1c24]Origins:[/color] I was born and raised in the Casual sector, though over the past few months I've been touring the 1x1s [color=ed1c24]History:[/color] My life hasn't been the most enviable, with several unfortunate events that've occurred over the years. Yet, despite all of this, I refuse to have circumstances change who I have always been. Even if the path of good is a more difficult and lonely one I continue, because the knowledge that someone else's day may have improved due to some small act of kindness on my part makes almost any negative emotions I may feel disappear. My armor and weapons were gifted to me by one of my closest friends, a talking tree from a far away land known as Ireland. It is one of the few gifts I've ever accepted, as I prefer to give rather than receive. Since they've been such help defending against the hordes of bots descending upon the place I've come to call home though, I made an exception. [color=ed1c24]Theme:[/color] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider]