[h3]Castle Town[/h3] [b]The Temple of Time[/b] [i]ReKill the ReDead[/i] [hr] "RRRAAAAAHHHH!" The Knight's fist smote the first monster on the chin, dislocating its jaw to hang limply as its head snapped around almost a hundred and eighty degrees. Another screamed at him, freezing him in place, and a third climbed upon his back, wrapping itself around him as its yellowed teeth tried to bite him, to suck the life out...but the rotten molars simply clanged against metal, the Knight's armor too close to his body for it to make contact with his flesh. When the paralysis wore off, he reached up to grab its head and threw it to the ground, the impact driving the breath from its shriveled lungs just before the Knight shoved his claws into its throat and pulled out its desiccated windpipe. Another scream, and the knight struggled against it, but to go [i]towards[/i] the crowd of corpses rather than away. His bones creaked under the strain of his own strength, and suddenly he was free, exploding forward like he had been shot from a bow. He slashed through the belly of one ReDead, dumping foul smelling innards to the ground; he grabbed another by the arm and jerked it with such force that its shoulder burst from the socket. The body was used as an impromptu flail to dash another one to the earth and hammer them both to death together. Another jumped on his back, but this time he turned and caught it before bringing its head down face first onto the metal plate of his knee caps, shattering its face and cracking open its skull. He picked the body up over his head, and with another roar lowered it before charging forward, battering through the melee until his body shield had been pulped. He found himself standing at the top of the stairs leading down to Castle Town proper--but though he did not intend to retreat, such a route had already been cut off. More ReDeads were coming, and with them, a leader... Its body was more muscular than the other corpses. It had once been wrapped in burial shroud, but now the white was stained brown and yellow and black and red, from all manner of bodily fluids and filth. A red scarf, formerly a cape--much like the Knight's own--adorned its rasping throat. The broken handle of a shield was clasped in one hand. And the other dragged a sword. The ReDead Knight gave its own scream, louder and more terrifying than its minions. Though the Knight felt its magic lock up his body once more, he screamed back at it, the sounds echoing out across the town's cobblestones. The ReDead warrior approached its frozen foe, as did the many lesser corpses behind him. Their captain raised his sword, right over the Knight's head, and began to bring it down... Once again, he broke free! And immediately, on an instinct so deeply ingrained, on muscle memory that had been beaten into his body, that no madness could drown out, he acted. He dropped and rolled to one side, around to the ReDead Knight's back. He came up, out of the roll, body still spinning, claws lashing out. Hylian Knight's Hidden Skill: Back Slice. The ReDead gasped as it was struck, the blow cutting it from one hamstring up through the middle of its back. The wound wasn't deep enough to be fatal, with the short reach of the Knight's clawed gauntlets, but the sheer force of it knocked the undead captain to the ground. It caught itself on all fours, its sword still held in one hand--but the Knight's shadow appeared above it, his visor blazing with red light. "HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Hylian Knight's Hidden Skill: Ending Blow. With the Knight's full weight, momentum, and gravity behind it, this time he drove his claw straight through the ReDead warrior's back, right between the shoulder blades. He punched all the way into its chest cavity and then through its heart and sternum, before ripping his hand back out. Black blood trailed the arc of his arm, and dripped from the elbow down. The ReDead's glowing eyes flickered, then went blank. Its minions shrank back in fear, but only for a moment. Then, with multiple screams, they began to rush the Knight. Body after body piled on top of him, until he went down. He grappled and flailed at them, but they outnumbered him, and though their teeth and that deadly kiss could not reach him, their claws and fists beat at him relentlessly, rattling the body within the armor. One of his hands scrabbled on the ground...then closed around his salvation with an iron grip. The ReDead Knight's sword. The rusted iron, wrapped in the same burial cloth as its former master, pierced up through the many bodies. The Knight rose behind it, hacking and slashing with wild abandon, screaming his fury for all to hear even as the ReDeads screamed back, his body freezing again and again as they rained blows upon him...