[quote=@Double] Whoa, hold the phone. You're making the RP take place in a single location, despite advertising it as a UNIVERSE BUILDING endeavor? You fucking liar. No seriously, why the hell would you want aliens and other big universe concepts if YOU'RE NOT EVEN GONNA FUCKING USE THEM? And no, the single edit wasn't the deal breaker. The deal breaker was you constantly assuming that he's some unstoppable God simply because he doesn't have a million crippling weaknesses. Do you even know me? Because I thought you kind of did, have I ever been the kind of player to just blatantly power play like that, like have you EVER known me to do that? I'm beginning to think that you don't actually know what the term "overpowered" really means. Overpowered means having dozens of powers and secondary powers while only having one or two weaknesses (eg Superman). Zandar is not that powerful, like at all. He has [i]some[/i] strength (not even super strength, he's just a bit stronger than your average humanoid would be) and scaly skin that makes him a bit tougher to hurt (not even that much tougher since it's really no different than Killer-fucking-Croc). That's all he actually has, those are his only natural abilities. So, with so little in the way of natural abilities why the fuck should I have to give him so many crippling natural weaknesses? The suit? The Lancer? The ship? That's all outside tech from Star Force. Those are all objects that can be stolen, hacked, damaged, and otherwise used by someone else if they got their hands on them. Isn't that in and of itself a pretty self-explanatory weakness? Hell, the uniform isn't even powerful at all, it's a glorified spacesuit, not the fucking Iron Man armor! But sure, let's just call your concerns valid, why not. It's not like you already have characters who are insanely stronger than Zandar is and who could kill him simply enough... OH WAIT! [/quote] [quote=@Double] I apologize for my tone and anger in general. Some real life frustrations are bleeding into how I interact here and that's not fair to you guys. So again, I apologize profusely, and beg forgiveness for any of the vulgar or venomous things I've said. [/quote] I'm just gonna be short and simple with the most of this because I'm completely shocked at how you've handled the situation. I thought I did know you, we've been in several RP's together over the course of the last couple years and for most of it I've never had a problem. I had one problem with the CS, and it's my right as a GM not to blindly accept character sheets as they are without criticism. One problem, the weaknesses, which if you'd have simply given him another weakness or described that his armor had it's flaws in the CS... it would have been accepted. Any other time I've had a problem with a CS of yours we've came to terms and agreed on this or that, this time you chose to cuss at somebody and call their entire game and it's setting into question. From the original iCheck, for anybody who missed it.... [quote=@The Kid Lantern]... We'll also likely come up with an original universe equivalent of NYC or Astro City so that most of the heroes can be neighbors somewhat defending smaller areas of a much larger city. ~KL~ [/quote] The group decided on New Athens, I just fleshed it out a little more. For the record I wanted to build the universe somewhat beyond Earth, hence the two Alien Archetypes as well as the Alien Outlaw. But still, it's apparent the most of the game's setting would still be New Athens, especially with this in the opening summary... [quote=@The Kid Lantern]In New Athens, a hero is made every day and a villain every night.[/quote] If somebody had submitted a CS with the note their character is based in Thailand it wouldn't have been accepted. For the obvious reason. If that was my only problem with the theoretical CS, and it was edited, then more than likely it would've been accepted. This guy from Star Force has a natural power set cause he's an alien, another set of abilities granted by the suit, and then only one weakness listed. I had no problems with the rest of the sheet dude, despite the BRIEF Bio being anything but brief. I have no hard feelings about this, but I'm also not the type to let somebody punch me in the face and then be dumb enough to immediately let them in my home. If you're having real life problems, then by all means deal with them and come back in a week or so if you want to submit the CS again with the edits. Personally... I'm in debt, behind on my rent, have no health insurance, I'm raising a six year old, just fell back on a dead end job, etc. and I've NEVER got on here and talked to somebody with the kind of disrespect you've shown. This is the ONLY time I'll let something like this slide, ever, for anybody I've RP'ed with in the past. Take a breather, get back to me sometime next week, and we'll talk about you getting in on this. ~KL~