[quote=@Double] [@The Kid Lantern] You don't have to say it, you're implying it strongly enough. You just flat out ignore the multitude of times where I try to explain that [i]he has no actual powers[/i]. Why should someone with no real powers outside of a space cop uniform and a blaster gun have more than one crippling weakness? You're basically asking someone to change Star-Lord to being weak to Kryptonite even though it's not necessary because [i]he's just a dude in a spaceship and [b]nothing more.[/b][/i] But I've long since given up on this. You've made it absolutely clear that you have no intention of listening to logic, plus this suddenly becoming a generic "superhero team in generic Earth city" instead of the big, open-world universe the iCheck promised pretty much killed whatever interest I had. Good day, sir. [/quote] Instead of explaining it time and again on here, a simple edit to the CS in Weaknesses would've sufficed. Doesn't do anybody a damn bit of good if they have to go through pages of OOC chatter to find how one player described the weaknesses to their character. By all means though, good day sir. I'm done with this whole back and forth. I've still got reading to do... ~KL~