[quote=@vancexentan] [@Crimmy]Alright if it really is that strong and you're really so opposed to it so be it I'll pick another suit Crim. I didn't think that suit was that strong and I don't like giving myself unfair advantages by sole right of being the GM. I'll search around a little more for a suit for him to pilot. [/quote] Yeah, the Re-GZ Custom is pretty ridiculous, though it isn't surprising given that it's essentially a Nu-tier Zeta Gundam. [quote]Power generator output: 2550 kW Rocket thrusters: 99000 kg total (18900 kg x 2, 11000 kg x 4, 8600 kg x 2) Vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 28 Sensor radius: 21300 meters Armor: Gundarium γ alloy Armament: beam assault rifle x 1, hyper beam saber/launcher x 2, vulcan gun x 2, triple missile launcher x 2[/quote] Check out that thrust. It's pretty monstrous.