Name: William Carlson Gender: Male Age: 41 Faction: Freemasons Deity: God (Christian) Skills: Major Socializing: Carlson, as a member of the nobility, has been a socialite for his entire life. He is suave, sophisticated, and charming; as a result, he can talk his way into or out of many sticky situations. He also has an established network of contacts, with ties anywhere from the Freemasons to the English nobility to mercenary organizations he’s worked with. Minor Armed combat: Carlson has been trained in the use of sword and pistol since he could hold them. Horsemanship: He’s also a damn fine polo player. Background: Carlson was born in London, the first son of a very wealthy member of the English nobility. He was trained from a young age to be used to high society; as a result, he was able to become an excellent smooth-talker, establishing connections in high places. At the age of 18, he sought out and joined the Freemasons. Becoming heavily ingrained in their culture and the sense of brotherhood and mutual protection bestowed upon him by the organization, he quickly became a very prominent member. He did extensive charity work with the society, as well as partaking in some of the more secretive that the society played into, the most prominent of these being helping to eliminate a small cult of Glaaki. At 30, he moved from England to the United States and his work really began. He began working out of Boston to crack down on the various cults that had sprung up around the New England area. Acting as a sort of link between the various Masonic lodges that existed in the area, he established a network that worked closely with Arkham University scholars to eliminate occult gatherings and cult activity. He has very heavy experience dealing with the Esoteric Order of Dagon, since one of their major branches is based in Innsmouth, and has also dealt with a few sects of the cults of Shub Niggurath and Yog-Sothoth. Once the threat of Jagg’Azish became clear, he was asked to head to New Orleans, where he quickly came in contact with the Masonic Order there and began to formulate a plan.