[b]Name:[/b] Harstac Bell [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Race:[/b] [hider=Lahatch] [h3]Lahatch[/h3] Lahatch are a species of humanoid, flying creatures that are capable of bipedal movement. Their wings are often described as 'bat-like' since they share the same leathery appearance, but unlike their pendant they're not an integral part of their arms but basically separate limbs growing out of their back. The dominating skin color is gray, ranging from pale to, though rarely, almost black. The typical Lahatch stands at five to six feet with a very sturdily built upper body as this is the part that is moving his wings. Their legs are rather weak, obviously a method of evolution to save weight as their legs are only an auxiliary means of locomotion. This probably is the main reason why an ordinary and healthy human being used to daily physical labor alone can be expected to wrestle a Lahatch down. This doesn't make them harmless, and stories about unprepared villagers having been slain in vicious attacks coming from above aren't implausible if one considers that a Lahatch has an entire array of claws, a predator's set of teeth and most often the moment of surprise at his disposal. However the more educated people can know that though such events did happen, they were often geographically and temporally associated with intrusions into their habitats, be it for gaining more farmland, hunting, logging or other purposes. [h3]Lahatch hybrids[/h3] Lahatch live in small colonies and usually stick with their kind. However not everyone is born the same, neither on their side nor on the human side. When there is conflict and both sides come in contact with each other, it can happen that individuals of both races decide to at least momentarily forget about the hostilites that were ordered by their leaders for the sake of giving in to other interests. Such relationsips usually are very short lived, but biology does allow it, even if the children have to live with the fact of not being truly accepted by either parent in the aftermath. These rare individuals generally are outcasts, and those who do manage to gain a foothold in human society most often do so by becoming a serf, doing the jobs that are best suited for their inherent qualities. The Lahatch's disposition to develop very strong upper bodies and the human property of being bigger in general usually combine into a tendency to grow taller than a Lahatch and to bulk up to a tremendous extent even if they don't exercise on a daily basis. This makes them accordingly strong and grants superb stamina, but combined with their human size and their basically three additional limbs also results in so much weight they can't fly despite still having wings. It also makes them slow on their legs and restricts their agility by a quite noticeable amount. A hybrid still has its claws, but they are no real match for sophisticated metal armor and he'd probably be better off by bashing as hard as he can.[/hider] [b]Height:[/b] 6'2 [b]Weight:[/b] ~350 lbs [b]Social Class:[/b] Outcast [b]Location of Recruitment:[/b] Forest [b]Previous Occupation:[/b] Savage [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Harstac][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/708a/f/2010/320/3/a/mongrelman_by_mongrelman-d330kzm.jpg[/img][right][color=aaaaaa]Source: mongrelman @ DeviantArt[/color][/right][/hider] [b]Chosen Specialization:[/b] Medium-range combat, fighting without weapons [b]Chosen Weapon(s):[/b] halbert, bare hands [b]Chosen Armor Class:[/b] Medium: Thick chainmail armor (modified to fit his body as far as possible), helmet. [b]Items carried:[/b] Recruit's tunic, pants and shirt he made himself out of hide, knife. [b]Positive Traits:[/b] Undemanding, survivalist, [i]can[/i] be friendly [b]Neutral Traits:[/b] Shy, prefers eating meat. [b]Negative Traits:[/b] not very familiar with social conventions, very unusual appearance [b]Reason for Knighthood:[/b] The chance to become a knight would definitely improve his standing in human society and, at least so he hopes, put him out of total poverty. And he wouldn't be totally on his own anymore. [b]Backstory:[/b] Harstac is the product of a mating between a member of the 'Othaam' Lahatch colony and a girl from a remote village having 'Bell' as her surname. Unlike the way it's common, their relationship lasted for several months with them even having learned the language of each other. It would probably have lasted even longer if they had managed to keep it a secret for longer. When it emerged, his father was killed in a well prepared ambush some of the enfuriated villagers had set up. Harstac had to leave, but the colony wasn't an option. The girl continued to care about him in secrecy until he was barely grown up enough to take care of himself. This is when he became an outcast for the first time in his life until a nobleman caught him when stealing chickens from one of his farmyards. He didn't have Harstac imprisoned, but instead noticed how useful he could be and forced him to become one of his serfs. He was thirteen by then and over the course of the following years it evolved into some sort of symbiosis: The nobleman had to keep him away from his visitors and the public, but he offered him security and a bit more comfort in life in exchange for continued, very hard labor. When his health deteriorated and death had become foreseeable, the nobleman told him to leave as he wasn't sure about how his descendants would proceed with the given situation. Harstac never returned to human civilization until a recruiter saw him accidentally. Noticing that Harstac wasn't just any Lahatch but a hybrid, he pursued him carefully. Some time later, Harstac noticed him as well and they started talking. The recruiter offered him to join the Order as such an unusual being would be an interesting addition and offering membership to him would be in line with the Order's benevolent mindset.