Back stepping over the breaking twigs and shimmering fall leaves that fell a long time ago he traversed the dark forest towards hell knows where. The leaves on the ground seemed to be dry and old, but the game was not that old. It was probably just one of those details that the game had. Breljorn began to wonder if this game actually has seasons, if it will start raining in three months, that is, if he survives that long. He was also surprised that chaos and looting didn't start yet. In real life, if people felt danger, they'd start rioting in streets, causing hell on earth. It was probably pointless to do such things, since this was still a game and some things were prevented from happening. Darkness engulfed his body as he was looking around while traversing the forest. These times you can never be too careful of what's going to happen. With his dagger in hand and his armors on, he slowly ventured forward. Or was it backward? Breljorn was too confused up at this point to even know, since his pathfinding skills were not as good as he expected them to be. Especially with no sun around. Stepping into a tall bush he quickly changed into the form of a fox to hide himself from what he had seen just then. Three people in somewhat of a clearing, talking. Two guys with melee weapons and armors, and a gal barely equipped. There was a dead carcass of a spider near the girl, laying there on the ground, bleeding green blood. Hoping they did not hear him change, he turned into a brown fox he usually takes form of, and sat there, in that bush, watching them, spying on them.[b]"Jerk... Spiders... Rats..."[/b] He heard the girl speak, although couldn't make sense of what she was talking about, since Brel was not yet used to the fox hearing. It was different than that of a human's. Much different. An idea popped into Brel's mind - STEAL! He had the urge to steal from at least one of them. Steal something of value - be it gold or items. Circling them through bushed, around trees and through grass, he slowly found himself behind them, hiding in a pocket of grass. Watching them from behind, following their every move, Brel waited for the right moment to jump out and snatch their gold satchels with his fox teeth. The guy with two swords in his hands had a pouch up his waist, that probably carried gold, and so Brel was attracted to him more than the guy near him, who also had a pouch up his waist, but a smaller one. And the girl didn't seem to have anything at all. [i]Poor lady[/i]. Brel jumped out of the bush, quickly sprinting towards the guy with the bigger money pouch. Soon, Breljorn changed his mind, thinking the other guy would be easier to steal from since he had harder armors on - Bronze plate. He switched targets, and leaped towards the guy. It was a simple plan he had in mind - snatch the pouch with his teeth and run back into the forest to hide. But plans almost never go as planned. As he leaped up to get the pouch, he bit it, and was left there hanging. The pouch was attached tightly, without a chance to take it off without either tearing it or untying it from the waist. Both weren't good options, he was just left there hanging with his teeth up the pouch. [i]Shit.[/i]