Sorry I'm late, been working for the last few days without much downtime. Name: Ayano Mori Age: 23 Gender:Female Nicknames/Codenames: Hebi Genetic Type: Oldtype Personality: Due to Ayano being a gearhead for most of her life, she has a tendency to get hung up on the technical side of a lot of conversations about the mechanics of mobile suits, choosing to believe in the raw statistics of machines rather than some "space magic" that people call Newtypes- despite seeing some of these instances for herself. Out of talking about mechanics, Ayano tries to be relaxed as she can, not wanting to be a constant thorn in the side for her superiors. She certainly possesses the compassion for her team, as well as human life in general. However, she's a bit of a hothead, snapping back at anything that threatens her team or any of their suits- mostly the latter, especially her own GM III. The moment that she feels one of these is in danger, she fights her fiercest to defend them, even if its sometimes unnecessary. [url=]Appearance: [/url] Ayano stands at an average height with a slim build, a decent amount of muscularity showing through her olive skin from all of her mechanical work. Piercing gray eyes stare from under shoulder length black hair, usually kept in a ponytail. A couple scars riddle her body from miscellaneous accidents from working, but nothing especially noticeable or with any meaning. A tattoo of a serpent runs down her left arm, earning her nickname [i]Hebi[/i], or "Snake" from one of her old mechanic friends. Her flight suit is in a pale blueish color and black, with light gray stripes up the arms. This is from her old unit in the Federation, thought her patches were replaced with Londo Bell's when she was transferred. A smaller version of her tattoo is also stitched on her arm. Biography: Born and raised on Side 6, Ayano was only a young child when Zeon attacked the colony in 0080. Naturally, this left a distaste in her mouth regarding the faction. As she grew, the spacenoid fell in love with the technicalities of the mobile suits, and went on to become an engineer for the Federation. Overtime, she longed to use the mobile suits she had worked on for years, and began her training as a pilot, and showed a natural skill for the position. Years later, a transport carrying a set of Jegans in its cargo bay- which Ayano was tasked to maintenance and deliver, was attacked by a rouge faction, using outdated suits- both Zeon and Fed, marking them as thieves, pirates, or something. Ayano, one of the few members of the crew awake at the moment, jumped into a suit. Things could have gone better, but also much, much worse. As the suits breached the cargo bay, Ayano, along with the three or four other members in Jegans, flew into the thick of battle. The rookie pilot was in the middle of her first skirmish, though against under-average opponents. Seeing no reason for killing, she attempted to simply incapacitate the attackers, rather, she attempted to. Immediately, a Jegan was shot down, exploding under the cargo ship. A bloodlust filled Ayano, and she charged the older GM-II, skewering the chest with a beam saber, incinerating the pilot. Before she knew it, the battle was over, the remaining enemies flying off, and her CO commanding the team back to the ship. Seeing her skill in live combat, Ayano's superiors pushed her up the ladder some, taking her off of the mechanical team, and onto the combat one. The pilot saw several combat scenarios from the retaliation from the Neo-Zeon forces; a sore-spot for the spacenoid's history from her time on Side 6. Close to the end of the war, barely before the Axis drop, Ayano was added to Londo Bell, once again a rookie pilot on a team of aces. ==== Mobile Suit: Type of Mobile suit: [url=]RGM-86R GM III[/url] (See Fully Armed Mode) Suit Appearance: From a production run late in the series, Ayano's GM III uses the Jegan's upgraded shield with the twin tube launchers. The suit itself is mainly a slate gray/pale blue color matching her pilot's flight suit. The torso is black, with silver stripes up the arms, legs, and detailing on the shield. The same snake symbol on Ayano's flight suit is located on the chest, opposite side of the Londo Bell symbol. List of Weapons: [hider=Armaments] 60mm Vulcan Gun A standard armament of the mobile suits that are descended from the Earth Federation Forces's RX series. These head mounted shell firing weapons have a high-rate of fire, but have little power and are generally ineffective against mobile suits; however, the vulcan gun can damage lightly armored areas such as the sensors. These weapons are ideal for shooting down small, fast moving, lightly armored targets such as missiles or small vehicles. Beam Saber The standard close range armament for most Federation mobile suits. The beam saber is a small cylindrical device held in the mobile suit's hands when operated and is powered by an energy capacitor that is recharged from special racks. The beam saber is capable of cutting through any metal that has not been treated with anti-beam coating. The GM III is equipped with two beam sabers stored in backpack recharge racks that are taken from the RX-178 Gundam Mk-II's design. 2-tube Large Missile Pod Further adding to the GM III's offensive capabilities is a pair of hip-mounted 2-tube large missile pods. The missiles themselves are on a similar scale to warship missiles, with a single missile having the potential to destroy a mobile suit. The launchers themselves are allowed a bit of mobility on the hip skirts, but are largely cumbersome with respect to the unit's arms. In the same fashion as the unit's other missile pods, this pod can be ejected at any time to increase the unit's mobility. 4-tube Medium Missile Pod The GM III can be outfitted with a 4-tube medium missile pod on each shoulder. Each pod has its own targeting camera, allowing for more efficient target acquisition during combat. In the same fashion as the unit's other missile pods, this pod can be ejected at any time to increase the unit's mobility. Beam Javelin The GM III's beam javelin is based on the same weapon used by RX-78-2 Gundam during the One Year War. The javelin has a higher output than the standard beam saber, and the beam's shape allows for a greater amount of armor penetration ability. These characteristic allows the javelin's user to destroy a mobile suit with a strong anti-beam coating very easily. Beam Rifle The standard ranged armament of the many mobile suits is the beam rifle. The particle beam fired from a beam rifle can penetrate almost any armor that has not been treated with specific counter-measures. The beam rifle used by the RGM-86R GM III is upgraded from that used by the RMS-179 GM II and has a power rating of 2.8 MW. Harpoon Gun Designed with amphibious combat in mind, this weapon proved to be very versatile as it can be used while underwater or on land. The disadvantages of this weapon, however are just as great as it only has four harpoons and like most solid round weapons, the harpoons may not be able to pierce deeply into the armor of enemy mobile suits to cause enough damage. Shield A basic optional arm-mounted defense armament for many Federation mobile suits. The shield is a thick sheet of armor designed to take severe punishment that would normally destroy a mobile suit. The GM III's shield is made from Gundarium Alloy, giving it greater defensive capabilities. Since the introduction of beam weaponry, shields have been treated with an anti-beam coating allowing it to withstand several beam shots before the coating wears off. Typically physical shields can only take so much damage before they succumb to the pressure and break. A shield can be equipped to either arm of the GM III in order to increase defense against both beam and physical attacks. As production of the GM III halted with the advent of the RGM-89 Jegan, some GM III units could be found wielding the more versatile shield used on the Jegan. [/hider]