[center][img]http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j362/LillianThorne/my%20stuff/Siya.png[/img][/center] His smile nearly did her in. His smile made the months of feeling unimportant, of being simply a momentary distraction, fall away. An answering smile lit her face from within, her tiny fangs catching the moonlight as she grinned. It was a smile that trembled with intense emotion, ranging from delight to lust to hunger. When her eyes caught on the bits of ink on his skin writhing at the edges of his clothing she understood immediately what it meant and her eyes hooded, sweet relieved happiness giving way to her predator nature as the black of her pupils chased away the white until there was nothing left but hunger. God she was hungry, so very hungry. She hadn’t done more than sip in all her months of tending to Veti and there before her was a meal that would sate her for a good long time. She walked towards him, a sway in her hips that broadcast much, it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. She felt the tingle in her mouth of the narcotic saliva that made certain no one she bit ever complained. She moved towards him, her steps as filled with grace as they were with lust. She pictured slamming him back against the nearest stone and having him, of slaking her thirst, her lust, of feeding all her hungers on his demonic flesh, of herself in turn being fed upon until neither one of them could move. She froze, mid-step and closed her eyes, her struggle visible as her slender form shuddered in effort. When she opened her eyes the black was shrinking, the white and blue returning though her pupils remained wide and too large. She licked her bow of a mouth and smiled softly, apologetically. “I missed you too.” She moved towards him, her manner almost vulnerable as she reached out a tiny hand and ran her fingers over the back of his hand, brushing lightly across the edges of his ink. “No need to apologize.” She said softly as she stepped even closer to him. In that moment she understood to her core that it was true. She had seen in his smile something that had soothed her as much as it had inflamed her. “We have both been much occupied. Veti is….” She trailed off, despair and heartache ringing in her voice as she looked away from where her pale hand touched his and up into his crimson eyes and then around at all the others gathered, others who had fallen away from her perceptions as she’d lost herself in him. If Vampires could blush, if she’d had enough blood to manage it, she’d have been as pink as the Reaper just then. “We should talk.” She said to him, “but later. Alone.” She shivered and a self-depreciating smile crooked the comers of her mouth. “Others need your attentions just now.”