[@Bourgeoisie][@Diggerton][@EurmalEye][@LeonVon] In the middle of Ms. Shepards rundown Lancer let out a an audible chuckle that sounded more like a scoff-as if even his laughter was hostile. To no one in particular he quickly spat out "Apparently our Mr. Smith wasn't as good a craftsman as he thought." And then for first time since he'd met the group Lancer flashed something resembling a smile. Only it was a little too crooked, almost sinister in a way. To say it was unnerving was an understatement. But then again maybe he just had one of [i]those[/i] faces. It was hard to tell, and his attitude really didn't help. - The young Ms. Shepard had spoken his name without him having said it-that was bad, afterall just a google search of his name could expose rather...[i]odd[/i]...information: and that was just google, who knew what newfound computer systems this woman was using-who knew just what dark secrets she could dredge up. However he acted like he hadn't noticed, he acted like he [i]had[/i] said his name. Part of him was glad to have a partner that could play the subtle nuances in the mental game that was so similar to chess; the other part of him however was irate at the fact that she had indeed achieved [i]check[/i] first. Lost in thought for a brief moment Lancer was brought back to reality by what to him sounded like rough sand paper talking-quickly he realized it was Wheezy. After Wheezy finished speakng, giving Ms. Shepard the approval she apparently craved so much with his caveman like gesture that came in the form of a thumbs up, Lancer was quick to chime in-all without breaking from Ms. Shepards professional gaze. In fact instead of looking away he returned her stare in an almost challenging sort of way, his beady hazel eyes mustering up all the venom they could. Without skipping a beat he responded, his unplaceable accent practically defining the world [i][u]glib[/u][/i]. [i]"Not unless you're hiding a cup of coffee somewhere in that computer file of yours. By the way, could you check the weather for me back home inbetween your next facebook update? You see I left my tomato plants outside and am [b]dreadfully[/b] worried they will drown in the rain."[/i]