I agree that things are always bound to happen, but the rule of thumb I've seen on this site is that you have enough respect for your fellow rpers that you trust them allow things to happen to them. If you want to have the action be a bit more dynamic in the post, then you either ask them before hand, or attempt a joint post in one of the many sites made for it. It's not the action itself but rather the principle behind it. I wouldn't for one have said that Etzo, after being grabbed rather unexpectedly, forced a vail of acid into the existing knights face gaurd. Instead, it would go along the lines of saying Etzo attempted to defend himself, grabbing the vail and aiming it at the knight. That may mean that I only get a paragraph post up, but if I haven't asked you about it, I'm not gonna assume it hits or misses. Maybe you want it to miss and leave the alchemist with a warning, maybe you want to let it hit, leading to heavy animosity between two charactera forced to work together. No matter what it's important you have a choice in the matter. And Etzo is not exactly a complete weakling, while vanilla brand Etzo isn't a powerhouse, the man did fight his way out of a village full of moblins during the Kakariko massacre, with the help of performance enhancing drugs. That being said, I'm going to let it drop, and continue from this point.