[hider=Yuri] Appearance: [hider] [img] http://images6.alphacoders.com/319/319935.jpg [/img] [/hider] Name: Yuri Roarik Omenthrall Age: 17 Height: 5'11 Weight: 192 Eye color: green with golden lining Hair color: black Build: muscular Nationality: Italian Noble Arm Name & Appearance: [hider] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/87/ee/4e/87ee4ec61687b58ab9e2c562227a9922.jpg [/img] [/hider] Promise and Betrayal Noble Arm Abilities: Promise&Betrayal Rank: B Promise's ability is called "Angle's embrace" is the ability to copy someone's Anatomy every 24 hours and restore said individuals body to the copy. The wounds have to be restored within 24 hours or promise can't do anything. Also the user of promise gets inflicted 12 times the pain of the wound. When activated turns Yuri's eyes a bright white. Betrayal's abilities are "Demons wrath" breaking the intermolecular bonds and so decomposing or disintegrating the target. It can directly disassemble, therefore, if used on a person, the parts that form the human body, including skin, flesh, nerves, body fluids, bones, and cellular structures would be decomposed at a molecular level. If use consecutively "demons wrath" can kill Yuri because he's shooting parts of his soul. When Demons wrath is activated, a dark aura starts emanating off of him and psychical changes can be seen. Such as darkening of the eyes, graying of the skin, and his veins turning into to a almost back color. Only two shots can be fired before Yuri is thrown into critical condition, he also has to be in fiends physiology. Betrayal's second ability is called "Fiend's Physiology" This grants him inhuman perception and speed, equal to that of a great fiend. It also greatly changes his physiology, turning his eyes a crimson color, bones protruding from his spinal Column, skin darkening to a sickly grey, and the steady growth ram horns. After deactivating Fiends Physiology, Yuri is extremely exhausted and fatigued. strengths: Perceptive, Kind, and Calm weaknesses: Headstrong, Easily worried, and doubtful Personality: Kind, caring, compassionate, Has a soft spot for animals and women. Mild pacifist but that changes when he's disrespected or those he cares about are. Likes: Spicy food, Reading, Beethoven, and training Dislikes: Laziness, Harm of the weak, and disrespect Fears: Dishonoring his family's name and letting those he cares about come into harms way Bio: Yuri was born into a family of soldiers he was always in the shadow of his brothers but when he was discovered to have come into possession of noble arms. He became the center of his fathers world, Yuri was over joyed to get the attention of his father Intel his fathers so called "training" begun Yuri was beaten for hours on end along with having to mercilessly beat others all in his fathers pursuit of creating the perfect solider. But one day Yuri's father made him spar with his brother after a long battle Yuri stood above his brother as he went to help his brother up, Yuri's father stopped him and told him he needed to learn another lesson and to kill his brother. "Show no mercy, and you'll become everything I dreamed of my son." His father said as he held Yuri's brother down, but to no avail Yuri couldn't do it he loved his brothers even if they never paid attention to him, so he ran and didn't stop Intel his home was far out of sight and after earning some money headed to the Philippines to join the academy his father never ceased to mentioned during their training. He would attend the academy and when he was strong enough return to his home and prove his father he was wrong about him. Current Goal: To surpass his fathers legacy. Student Rank: 1666 [/hider]