[b][i]"Why are you here?"[/i][/b] Morpheus had absolutely no reaction to how the questions were being asked, purposefully ignoring the details. Being apathetic even as he was essentially daydreaming as the woman inside the statue now was outside appearing to stand before him inside his mind. He was fully determined on getting answers for the cloaked figures claims. However, immediately found the question asked preposterous. Giving a thousand yard stare for a brief moment before shifting to looking with a single raised eyebrow. His expression showed transparent irritation from crossing his arms and clenching his hands together, slowly and repeatedly tapping his index finger, clenching his teeth so hard it felt like his teeth would crack under the pressure. Attempting to remain harmonious he breathed in and out deeply, followed by clearing his throat with a cough covering it up with his right hand, despite his rather restless movements, Morpheus was in fact standing in one spot with glazed over eyes almost having an out of body experiance having a discussion in a peculiar dream like state. [color=f26522]“I'm here sssolely because I was sssent here, I have absssolutely no other interestsss assside from what will benefit me and my family.”[/color] He stated with a blunt tone glancing at his brother who remained fixated on the volcano statue, staying almost as still as the statue aside from his ears twitching the moment he was touched by Morpheus. [b][i]"What do you hope to accomplish?"[/i][/b] [color=f26522]“Now, what exactly do you mean here?”[/color] Morpheus started tone growing more frustrated and hostile, finding these questions insipid, clenching his fists while putting his arms down to his side. [color=f26522]“If you're asssking what I hope to accomplish by being forced to go to sssome prisssssy alleged esssteemed ssschool, I've never heard of. While my thriving job, has to be thrown into an indefinite hiatusss. I honestly cannot perceive anything beneficial getting accomplissshed here.”[/color] Morpheus retorted. [color=f26522]“If it'sss regarding my sssolitary goal that I've had in life. That'sss making me and my brother sssurvive through any means. At leassst that'sss what I've been telling myssself for many yearsss.”[/color] Morpheus added looking down. [color=f26522]“But! If there's truly a way to undo my missstakesss and transssgressionsss. By bringing back my brothersss conssscience and intelligence, and the posssssibility of him regaining his humanity...that is sssomething I would ssspend a lifetime to accomplisssh.” [/color] [b][i]"What do you hold closest to your heart?"[/i][/b] [color=f26522]“My brother. He'sss the only person I hold dear.”[/color] Morpheus spoke those words very quickly, to the point a normal individual probably wouldn't of understood him. Getting tired of hearing his own voice, replying purposefully short, refusing to speak more than what was required. His strong sense of self-loathing was overcoming his obsession which was the only reason he spoke so verbosely in the first place. [b][i]"What are you willing to sacrifice to meet the end goal?"[/i][/b] Morpheus then smirked lightly, looking and sounding as serious as possible speaking much slower and clearer. [color=f26522]“For Lazurusss, I'd sssacrifice anyone and anything without a sssecond thought, including my sssoul and well being...Now any more half-witted queries?” [/color]Morpheus finished with a question of his own. Proceeding to cross his arms once again, speaking bitterly and with finality. Vehemently hoping there was no further questions, more likely to straight up not answer anything more, until he had more evidence presented to him that any of this was worth taking seriously. [b][i]"These questions are not half witted... your strength and your goal is what is going to stop the Dark Lord from preying on you. If you heart is full of vengence and nothing but hate with no love for another, then he has you. If you have a real reason to be here, even if you do not figure it out until later, he will have a harder time digging his claws into you. Keep your brother close, if you fail... he dies."[/i][/b] Morpheus heart sunk at the mere mentioning or implication of his brother's life being in danger, saying death made him involuntarily swallow, stopping himself from having a panic attack. Upon waking up very suddenly he noticed he had a [url=http://imgur.com/Fz67z8I ]weapon[/url] in his hands. It was a five foot tall metallic staff having the primary colors of crimson and black, throughout the staff. With five appearing to be razor sharp curved pointed edges of varying sizes, the bottom smallest two pointing downward the rest of the curves pointing upward in some fashion, the same pattern on both sides, keeping it symmetrical. The top three curves on each side close to the middle have small, square shaped 10x10 mm gems of varying colors. Black Diamond, Emerald and Blue Topaz on the right side would be Diamond, Aquamarine and an Opal on the left. Having a hollowed out center at the top just large enough to perfectly carry his orb. With a incredibly shiny ruby placed literally in the inside the very orb. Making the orb to appear completely red, glowing ominously from a distance. But you could still easily see your reflection as if you were staring into a mirror with a spear like tip at the very end, though it had a dull point. It is surprisingly warm to the touch and fairly lightweight, only about a few pounds. Morpheus clenched the weapon in his hands, seeing his brother directly in front of him, Lazurus was looking up at him. Morphues smiled and carried the staff his right hand and stroked his brother's head with his left. [color=f26522]"I will never allow anyone to hurt you."[/color] Morphues assured Lazurus, while looking around noticing he was still inside the garden.