[h1][color=darkolivegreen][center]Cass[/center][/color][/h1] As Cass continued to watch, she noticed Dav, Nathan, and Arianna outside. In the freezing cold. [i][color=darkolivegreen]Are they idiots?[/color][/i] To top it off, the only one in sensible clothing was Dav; Nathan had basically nothing on, and Arianna only had a sweater to cover her. These outfits may have been sufficient for the typical human, but to wolves, it was almost the opposite. None of them were too young, so it wasn't the worst thing that could happen. Warmth from the horses wouldn't help them much in this situation, but at least there were three of them. If one were to turn, the others could try to save the horses before anything went wrong. [color=darkolivegreen]"Hmmm? Did you say something?"[/color] Cass smirked at Dak mockingly. [color=darkolivegreen]"Sorry, your presence is just... underwhelming. You know?"[/color] She gave him a few knocks on the back, with probably a little more force than necessary. She crossed her arms in a nonchalant manner, attempting to look threatening and playful at the same time. [color=darkolivegreen]"Anyway, doesn't that just make you the janitor of our quaint little family? Not much of a position here, if you ask me."[/color] After giving a sharp bark of laughter, Cass turned back to Kate. [color=darkolivegreen]"So, Nathan and Dav? Weird. And from what I last heard, New Guy's wasting his day away in his room, thoroughly frustrated at his new life. Anyone want dinner?"[/color] She wasn't trying to be uncaring or cold, but they could deal with it themselves. If they wanted to put themselves in danger, they could go right ahead. Cass wasn't about to go out of her way to prevent them from living their lives.