[center][h2][color=1E90FF]Theo Lincoln[/color][/h2][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://josalynmonet.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/trevor-xmas-600x389.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] Theo's ass was out the door long before anyone else. He had always been rather impatient and was already sick of waiting around. Not to mention that he didn't want to listen to any more of the ridiculousness that was swirling around inside. He was glad he wouldn't be riding with either Jamie or Cass. Theo was good at keeping his cool but he had a feeling that if he was stuck in a confined space with either of them for a prolonged period of time, even he would snap. While the others were still inside, Theo made his way back towards his car, giving Ariel's neighbor a large smile and a wave. He was never particularly fond of life in suburbia. Everyone was so nosy and knew everyone elses business like it was somehow their own. Theo was a city kid. In the city, no one really paid each other much attention and it was far easier to go unnoticed. Theo liked that. There was probably some kind of deep rooted psychological reason behind this but he didn't want to get into that. He opened the back door of the red [url=http://www.allpar.com/photos/dodge/charger/2015-z/2015-charger.jpg]Dodge Charger[/url] that was his pride and joy and stuck his head in to grab the couple of bags he had chucked in there earlier. They were promptly chucked in the trunk with exactly as much care as he had chucked them in the back seat. It was only then that he realized his skateboard was in there. He pulled it out from under one of his bags and flipped it in his hands. He hoped there would be time to ride at some point soon. If not, it could at least be used as a blunt object to bash Jamie or Cass over the head. He couldn't help but smile at that thought. He wouldn't actually bludgeon them to death but it sure was fun to think about. With another flip, he placed the skateboard back in the trunk with far more care than he had given his bags and closed the trunk. All that was left to do then was meander over to the side of the car and wait for the others. He pressed his back against the driver's side door and crossed his arms over his chest. He noticed then that the neighbor was still giving him the eye. To which Theo responded by puckering up and kissing at the air in his direction.