[@Keksalot] Looks good! You can choose any rank from 100-2000, whichever you think fits your character, but you had best be deserving of that rank or else >:D -- One question though: "Juggernaut-Scouring Stars" will running into that feel more like hitting a prickly wall, or like running into a shredder? [@Progenitus] Gloria is good to go! Just to clarify: how quickly can she pull out her Edges in succession? [@Apollosarcher] You've got the green light. Post in the character tab next :3 [@M127] I don't have any problem with power-copying. It's a time honored cliche and acceptable so long as it's use is executed tastefully. As for the Noble Arm you've proposed: I think the method of information should be reversed. The user needs knowledge of [i]and[/i] contact of the Noble Arm in order to use copy it, and even then, the less knowledge the user has, the weaker the projections are -- and even at full strength, they are still weaker than the original. Alternatively, you could have the gauntlets able to completely absorb an ability of a Noble Arm that it comes into contact with, however the ability can only be used in context of the gauntlet itself. Example: The gauntlet blocks an arrow that freezes shit, so now whenever it punches something, that object also freezes. Anything along those lines is fine.