[center] [h1][color=yellow]Malum Lux[/color][/h1] [h3][color=red]Tale of Monsters[/color][/h3] [i]"These monsters, these creatures. They invaded my home, killed my family, killed my village, conquered everything in sight. They just continued to destroy. I managed to escape, able to flee to one of the coalition states that fight against them. They marched across so much of the galaxy, bringing upon death and destruction to everyone in there path. They are nothing but monsters, those from the Empire of the Sun."[/i] -Unknown Refugee of the Great Sol Conquest The year is 3046 TI (Tempus Illustrata, or Enlightened Time, around 10256 After Christ) used in the Neo-Gregorian Calendar, the most commonly used system in the known galaxy. The Empire of the Sun has conquered much of the known Galaxy and with that they have brought upon a mass coalition of nations ready to try and defeat them, though some nations side with the Empire of the Sun, hoping that they'll be spared from major conflict. Most of the nations inside the Coalition are from different types of species, but some are former colonies of the Empire of the Sun that revolted against them. These nations vary in size, with some being comparable to the Empire of the Sun, and some being little nations consisting of one or two systems. These are not the only nations that populate the galaxy, as there are still some who remain neutral. Nations that spend there time raiding other ships passing through there territory and stealing goods. Some who commence raids on outer systems inside the Empires. These nations are weak, but they are in the position to grow in power. Welcome to Malum Lux, an NRP that will be mainly focused on external and internal character interaction (hence why this is also posted in the Casual section). This NRP will still be an NRP since it involves nations, but every post will be from the perspective of a character, some of these characters can appear multiple times, and some can just appear once and disappear. This is why I will allow you to create multiple characters with the CS, but still only create one nation. Technology is Type 2 for most nations and Type 3 for the strongest. Source for those needing more information: [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale]Kardashev Scale[/url] [i]Nation Sheets[/i] Name of Nation: Nation Leader: Banner/Flag: Culture: Race Description: History (Simple, like the biography for characters): Other: [i]Character Sheets[/i] Name: Age: Gender (For Races With Genders): Race: Appearance: Personality (Paragraph or Two): Backstory (Two to Three Paragraphs): To those wondering, this is an NRP but it is posted on this forum because it will be mostly casual and it will play out like a casual RP. I will have the actual OOC in the NRP forum but I think that at least the Interest Check had to be posted here. And to those wondering, the link to the NRP Interest Check is [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/125703-malum-lux-tale-of-monsters-sci-fi-nrp/ooc#post-3619142]Here[/url]. And don't worry if you are new to NRPs, after you make the Nation Sheet it will be almost exactly like a normal Casual NRP, and if you need help just ask. [/center]