[hr][center][h1][b][i][color=khaki]Fr[/color][color=tomato]ick[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]http://i.giphy.com/o3PaFcEpfOiHe.gif[/img][hr] [b]Time:[/b] Late Afternoon >> Evening (?) [b]Location:[/b] Newnan: Infirmary within the Courthouse [b]Interacting With:[/b] Each other. [/center][hr] With everyone outside, killing zombies and risking their lives, Froggy and Dick had only each other for company. The doors had been barricaded and they were left to their own devices. Froggy had rummaged in his pack and dug out a pack of cards for them both to play with. [color=khaki]“Do you ‘ave any t’rees?”[/color] Victor glanced through his hand and watched Richard’s face, waiting for his reaction. [color=tomato]“Go fish. Got any fives?”[/color] Richard sighed as he asked the question, he was in less pain now but he was feeling very anxious for some reason. He’d heard gunshots outside and hoped that it wasn’t anyone he knew that had floored it, well except maybe Lorna. Bitch had done a number on him, even if he had deserved it. It wasn’t his fault that she was a jealous cunt. Victor shook his head and placed his cards face down on his lap. He folded his arms and stared at Richard. [color=tomato]“What? I got somethin’ on my face?”[/color] Richard reached up slowly to wipe his face and found nothing. Victor had cleaned him up but he still felt a little grimy. Shaking his head, Victor chuckled a little. He realised that he had no idea what had actually happened to Richard. Leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms across his chest, Victor cleared his throat. [color=khaki]“So…”[/color] That word was so loaded with questions that Richard winced in anticipation. [color=khaki]“What exactly did you do to deserve this”[/color] He rose his hands and made air quotes. [color=khaki]“ass whoopin”, as Miss Zoie would say.”[/color] Richard didn’t want to look at the Doc then, he just grumbled under his breath for a minute but Victor was persistent. He never took his eyes off of him for one second. Richard glanced over and saw him, still staring and he rolled his eyes before finding a spot on the wall that caught his attention long enough so that he could talk without feeling weirded out by the Doc’s bug eyes. [color=tomato]“I pissed off a Marine and her friends.”[/color] Victor simply nodded, his face blank of any positive or negative emotions. [color=khaki]“Well, at least they did not kill you. It could have been worse. Be thankful for your life when you see them next.”[/color] He leaned forward and patted Richard gently on the knee, a meaningful gesture from the doctor that Richard wouldn’t be aware of the importance of it. Resting his arms across his thighs, his hands lightly touching each other, Victor stared at the cards that had now fallen to the floor. [color=khaki]“Well there goes that game. Shall we play another?”[/color] Uncertain as to what this guy was up to, Richard looked over to him and rose a quizzical eyebrow. [color=tomato]“What did ya have in mind?”[/color] He shifted in his bed, making himself a little more comfortable. As he shifted his weight, Victor was on his feet, fluffing his pillow and helping to make him even more comfortable than he would have been without his help. Clearly it was in the guy’s nature. [color=khaki]“I-Spy with my buggy eye, something beginning with… S.”[/color] A smug look crossed over Victor’s face as Richard looked around the room at all of the medical equipment before growling at Victor. [color=tomato]“Is it smartass, ‘cause I’m lookin’ right at one.”[/color] Richard grumbled in defeat knowing that he’d never win against a doctor in a game of I-spy inside a god damn infirmary. [color=khaki]“Non! But good guess, try again.”[/color] Richard glowered at Victor and glanced around the room before muttering under his breath just loud enough that Victor could hear. [color=tomato]“Son of a fuckin’ bitch… Froggy bastard is gonna make this recovery more painful than the beatin’, swear to god damn Christ…”[/color] Both men then looked to each other, only to see the reactions in each others faces and they both started to laugh really hard at the ridiculousness of it all. [color=khaki]“What Froggy and Dick Did The Day The Zombies Attacked!”[/color] Snorting, Richard nearly choked and then began to cough hard as the pain shot through him. [color=tomato]“Oh fuck, man, you're gonna kill me. Seriously! Well shit, Dick, that definitely has a ring to it.”[/color] Victor stood up, still laughing, and checked on Richard's ribs while the pair continued to talk while everyone outside was risking their lives to make the place safe again. [hr]