[center][color=teal][h2][b]Jarvis Hugo Moore[/b][/h2][/color] [URL=http://s1010.photobucket.com/user/LoneWolfie/media/JamieWise_NS23_900_1350_s_zpsu7uwus8b.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1010.photobucket.com/albums/af223/LoneWolfie/JamieWise_NS23_900_1350_s_zpsu7uwus8b.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] It was hard to keep up with everything occurring in the room, to be honest. Jarvis wasn't used to being in the presence of so many people at once, and it was a bit overwhelming, trying to focus on more than one thing. Focusing on the cookies sounded like the prime thing to do then, didn't it? It doesn't mean he wasn't aware of what everyone else was saying, and that he wasn't drawing his own opinions on the matters, but the cookies had most of his attention, to be honest. Because [i]cookies[/i]. He was actually naive enough to think things were calming down in the room, because it seemed like they were finally going to move outside, and actually get on the road. Which had been the whole purpose for this so he wasn't sure why everyone was taking their sweet ass time. He was excited to get out and see new places, since he hadn't really gotten out before. Jarek had tried to drag him on family trips outside of the state before but Jarvis always resisted, insisting his Dad needed him here... expect for that one time Jarek was successful but Jarvis didn't want to recall that specific trip at the moment. But now he was eighteen, and he was applying for colleges far away, and it was time for him to attempt to spread his wings. This summer would prepare him for being without his Dad, and basically on his own, for when he went to college next year. He didn't linger on those thoughts either, eyes quickly cutting to Jarek, who was two years younger than him. He hadn't told him yet that he had been applying for a few colleges already, one being Stanford for science, specifically Physics, and that he was pretty positive he would be accepted into all of them. If not all of them, then at least one, and they all weren't around here. He couldn't bring himself to tell Jarek just yet that he was planning on not only leaving town and his Dad behind, but Jarek too. Sometimes, Jarvis felt like he should just stay here, go to a community college, stick with the things he knew and the people he cared for, but he felt like there was so much out there and he didn't want to miss it. Crap, these cookies must be thought-provoking. He caught himself staring at Jarek from the corner of his eye and snatched up another cookie to fill his mouth with. Well, he had been paying attention to everyone, but from that little space out, he did miss some conversation. He could probably fill in the blanks: Cass made some disrespectful comment, Jamie said something about a woman's butt, Philip was getting 110 percent done with everyone, and Lizzy was trying to keep the peace. Yep, he probably just called a lot of what happened. However, his brain decided to tune in right as Jarek spoke. He had been vaguely aware of him, only now noticing he hadn't even ate his cookie and frowning, but his thoughts didn't linger on it, because he heard the words, "[color=92278f][b]you [i]could[/i] try men, wolfe.[/b][/color]" After that, the cookies didn't have that good of a taste, and Jarvis was sort of done with them anyway. He moved away from Jarek without a glance at him, deciding instead to go over to his other closest friend, Ada. "[color=teal]You're gonna leave me stuck with Jarek?[/color]" he whined, loudly, with the purpose of Jarek hearing. Even Jarvis had his streak of being a little shit sometimes, even if he didn't want to acknowledge what had triggered that reaction in the first place. He ignored the bets of money being thrown around, especially when Jarek popped into that conversation. The rich boy was always spoiling him with his riches, no matter how many times Jarvis had told him to stop. He wouldn't ever tell Jarek that he envied him for the money he had; Jarvis never knew the feeling of a big bank account or heavy wallet, but he hoped he would one day. He hated taking money from Jarek whenever he offered, because he didn't want to rely on anyone, even Jarek. Though, he would admit, he was excited, too, to see how well Cass could hold her tongue. He smiled at Ada, lightly nudging her in the side. "[color=teal]Shopping at a comic book store? Video game store? Sure, I'm on board![/color]" he teased her, giving her a gentle smile. He did adore Ada. She was someone who got him with certain matters, someone he had confided in, and someone he considered a very close friend. No one would be on Jarek's level, because Jarvis was bias and gave him too much credit a lot of the time, but Ada was a very close second. He glanced over, catching sight of Theo going out the door. At least someone finally had the right idea. Just get out there and let the others follow. He wondered where he should put his bags, if Theo even had room in his trunk. He'd find out, he'd guess. "[color=teal]You can ride with Cass, if you want, Princess. But I'm funner.[/color]" he playfully nudged her again, that same gentle smile on his face. He did throw Cass the same smile, because he wasn't going to be outright rude to her, and he was only joking. Jarvis was rarely rude, it was just in his nature to be kind, and not judgmental at all (even though, admittedly, that was sometimes hard to uphold that gentle nature of his). He gave Ada a playful wink before moving on, to grab up his bags and follow after Theo. He didn't want to keep him waiting, and the purpose of this whole thing was to be in cars, not in a house, feeling tensions go up and down. He came out just in time to see Theo messing with the neighbor; it made him laugh as he approached the very pretty car. "[color=teal]Trying to pick up a date?[/color]" he asked, chuckling to himself, before briefly lifting up his two bags so it caught Theo's attention. "[color=teal]Is there enough room in your trunk for my junk?[/color]" he asked, at first not thinking nothing of it, then he blinked. His cheeks grew a little darker and he laughed, a bit of nervousness creeping into the edge of it. "[color=teal]Uh, okay, wow, [i]suggestive[/i]...[/color]" he nearly winced at his own very failed recovery and cleared his throat a little. "[color=teal]You know what I mean,[/color]" he grumbled, not looking at Theo now, instead looking down at his worn sneakers and scuffing the toe of one against the paved driveway. [color=teal][i]Smoooooth. Way to play that one off, Moore, totally not obvious to everyone within a ten mile radius.[/i][/color]