[center][h1][b][color=9966cc]Jamie Wolfe[/color][/b][/h1] [img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/12558936_880928978672661_961591212_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE4MDgxOTg2MTI5NDE4MzU1OA%3D%3D.2[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Jeez, Cheese-Steak was more of a wuss than he first thought. Not only was be bitching about the jokes from Cass and himself, but he offered to [i]bribe them.[/i] What the fuck? [color=9966cc]"Really, you can't handle a couple of jokes man? Imagine how much of a pussy you would look like if in the real world you tried to pull that shit. Like you'd be doing your job or whatever and some co-workers start making jokes. Then you offer to [i]pay[/i] them to shut up? They'd tell you to fuck off cuz that's weird as Hell."[/color] Jamie sometimes got distracted by how a person phrased a certain sentence. He had a way with words so he tended to pay close attention to what others said. Sadly, he didn't have enough time to fire another string of jokes at Phil because he seemed to have sparked the group into motion. Everyone started to get their shit together and it hit him fast. They were actually about to [i]do[/i] this. It was crazy, his last big bang before having to grow up. It made him think, ya know? What had he accomplished so far in his 18 years of living on this beautiful, crazy, world? Nothing, he had accomplished nothing. Well, nothing with a strong impact, not to him at least. Sure, he had enjoyed himself: partying, drinking, smoking, banging, etc. But those were all temporary pleasures. Almost every morning after having a good time the night before, he felt like absolute [i]trash[/i]. What was it all for? The memories and stories he could share when he was older? No one was going to want to hear about how he got so trashed one night at a party that he ended up in bed with two girls but right before shit got good he puked on the bed. Who in their right mind would want to tell [b]adults[/b] anything like that? Before he could become too absorbed in his thoughts, he was pulled out by everyone exiting the house. Damn, he almost felt weird for a second there, he put his game face back on. Fuck thinking too hard, it stopped him from having fun. James slid out the door and grasped his keys from his pocket to pop his trunk. He managed to get his luggage out easy enough and rolled it over to Alex's ride. He recognized it from the school parking lot so he just left it there, he figured Alex would want to organize it the way he wanted to. Not missing a beat, he made sure his car was locked and okay before sauntering to Ariel's Kia, waiting for her to unlock it. He was going to make another joke about Phil and Liz banging when they arrived, seeing as he wasn't tied to the bet, but he kept his mouth shut for once. It was because of Lizzy, she seemed more bugged by his chaos than Phil, and he actually liked Liz. He counted that as his good deed of the day, but since he was gonna have to deal with Phil the whole, he assumed it was about as nice as he could get. It was gonna be a hell of a ride.