[hider=Lilith Naceri] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/dd8By47.png[/img][/center] [center][b][color=560319]Birthday:[/color][/b] July/21/1994[/center] [center][b][color=560319]Age:[/color][/b] 21[/center] [center][b][color=560319]Appearance[/color][/b][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c8/0f/f8/c80ff8619062b33ec29301bdc409b63a.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b]Height:[/b] 5’5”/165cm[/center] [center][b]Weight:[/b] 137 lbs/62 kgs[/center] [center]Well toned, muscular body. Slight limp on her left leg.[/center] [center][b][color=560319]Position[/color][/b][/center] The Ghetto, Apartment 3A. Has lived there for about a year. [center][b][color=560319]Secrets[/color][/b][/center] Lots. [center][b][color=560319]School[/color][/b][/center] Three years at CalTech, MS in Materials Engineering - dropped out due to crushing debt. Currently not at any school. [center][b][color=560319]Occupation[/color][/b][/center] Officially? Unemployed, occasionally does some “odd jobs” that take her away for a few days. In actuality? “Independent” drug dealer. Plus other services upon special request. [center][b][color=560319]Personality[/color][/b][/center] Lilith is a strange case. While she is normally a warm and kind individual, if a bit shy and introverted, her current life has forced her to change this, to wear a mask at all times. It’s a matter of survival, she still suffers under the threat of over two hundred thousand dollars in debt, and without her degree she cannot find work in an engineering field. Her status as a drug dealer, and a skilled “cook” affects her the most, however. She has withdrawn into a protective bubble to shield herself from outsiders and preserve her own safety. Despite this, the warm interior remains. For those who have worked past her rough and tough façade she is a very kind person, willing to go far out of her way to help those few people she trusts. While she holds back from anything that might threaten her anonymity as a drug dealer, she might be tempted to put that on the line for a friend. Above money or anything else she values companionship, money is just green paper, a friend is something special. However, despite this she retains a hard side, a core of iron to her normal warmth and kindness. Any betrayal of her trust will recieve harsh retribution, and any threat to herself or those she calls friends will be met with no mercy. She is driven, often losing herself in whatever activity she’s gotten into lately. When she finds something that piques her interest or grabs her attention it may well become the sole focus of her life. She’s prone to bouts of inspiration, and is an aspiring writer - one of the few activities she can take a simple pleasure in. The police can hardly persecute her for wanting to publish a book, now can they? [center][b][color=560319]Short Bio[/color][/b][/center] Lilith Naceri was born to Iranian immigrants in Los Angeles. None of them spoke English, and neither of them were employed for the first year of her life, scraping by on unemployment checks while her mother searched day and night for employment - having graduated in her home country with a degree in mechanical engineering. However, nobody seemed inclined to hire her, and her father had no better luck, staying up long hours studying English, he eventually managed to land a small income teaching Farsi and Persian culture at a local university. This brought in enough money to keep the small family above the poverty line, but little more than that. Lilith spent much of her time on her own, playing about with whatever spare bits of… anything, she could get her hands on. She rarely bothered doing homework, claiming that it was boring - despite this she breezed through her primary education, instead of taking part in school clubs however, she spent her time with a small group of close friends, cooking up shenanigans of all sorts. At one point an experiment of hers went awry, and she still has an off color patch of skin on her left arm with zero hair growth. Around this time her mother finally found employment, and money began flowing in and allowing the family to live quite comfortably - her father continued teaching, having settled quite comfortably into the role. When she hit her mid teens she developed a sudden obsession with exercise. She would spend half her waking hours in the gym, developing an athletic, toned body. Then she turned eighteen. Applying to several schools, she had her pick of the lot - her “extracurricular activities” had earned her some local attention as the crazy girl who played with dangerous chemicals for fun. She intended to follow in her mother’s footsteps and work as an engineer, and was accepted to CalTech. However, tragedy struck when both of her parents died in a multi car pileup - en route to attend her orientation, in fact. Wracked with grief and guilt, Lilith buried herself in university, taking on heavy loads of classes and abandoning any pretense of a social life. She worked through her credit hours rapidly, doing relatively well in most of her classes. She was highly conscious of both her limited finances and the effect repressing her own emotions had, albeit in an odd third person sort of way. Eventually, the money ran out and she was forced to drop out of university, resorting to work as a stripper and a prostitute to make ends meet. She was attractive at least, and brought in a decent amount. She tired of this however, and eventually dug out an old chemistry set she’d swiped years ago. Chemistry had been a solid subject for her, and she’d done rather well in it. The recipes for cooking various illicit drugs like meth or PCP weren’t difficult at all, and she began to sell various drugs on a regular basis, eventually going full time on it. There were too many close calls though. The LAPD were on their game, and after a particularly harrowing incident she booked it for Oregon, eventually coming to settle in the little town of Millington. [/hider]