Her childhood was laid out before her as she drove through familiar streets, passed by buildings that had stood unchanged for who knew how many decades. Cami smiled wistfully at an old wooden carving of a bear in front of the convenience store that she had been so afraid of is a child that she had to have her grandfather walk up and poke it to prove it wouldn't attack her before she would go inside. She wondered if it had always looked so weatherworn, or if it had just been that long since she had seen the thing. Shaking her head, she made her way carefully through the streets and out past the boundaries of the town, instincts guiding her to a familiar gravel road that would lead her to the Scott family farm. The town wasn't the only thing to look unchanged, she noticed as the two-story woodframe house came into view. The outside was still whitewashed, the from porch adorned with a swinging bench, a scrawny tabby cat even lounged on the railing, tail flicking lazily. Taking a deep breath to calm the sudden pounding of her heart, Camilla parked the truck to the side of the house, cutting the engine. She hesitated for a moment before she pulled out the keys, stuffing them into a pocket before grabbing her purse and hopping out of the cab. She was going to have to get this out-of-the-way one way or the other. Brushing back a piece of her light brown hair that had escaped her braid, Camy fished out one of the boxes in the bed of the truck, cradling it against her stomach before she made her way around to the front of the house and headed up the steps. Balancing the box on one hip, she tested the handle of the front door before retrieving the key, surprised when the knob twisted easily in her hand. The city girl part of her screamed that something was wrong, That someone had broken into the house. She had to fight back the instinct to pull out her cell phone and call the police. "you're not in the big city anymore Cami. Get a grip." She chastised herself. Grandpa had never locked his front door, Not that she could ever remember. Giving her head a shake, she pushed open the door and stepped inside. Out of habit, she paused for a moment, calling out. "Hello?"