[center][h3]Sigurd Oasis Resistance[/h3][/center] Barely a few steps out from HQ he heard the thunderous voice of a man he was familiar with over the past week, referring to him as "Sir Knight". The commander of this establishment and resistance, Sir Gerik. He turned himself around fully to face the commander. He may not be of Hylian military, but he has chosen to fight under them, and so long as their cause was for Hyrule, then he would stay and obey commands. [i]"Before you go gallivanting into what could be your death, I suggest you volunteer for the contingent and leave with help at your side." "First of all," Gerik began, "as soon as the supply convoy is rescued we're all going to sit down and have a nice, long discussion about this Triforce business, and what we're actually going to do with these pieces some of you have apparently felt the need to keep hidden. Secondly, I'm in no mood to babysit today, so either make yourselves useful or stay out of the way!" [/i] Sigurd's own response was quick and decisive. [color=steelblue]"Apologies Commander Gerik, but I had meant to scout the situation before acting, though if it is within best interest to move with the contingent as you say, then I shall do so"[/color], he began. [color=steelblue]"And noted sir, simply call for me when we have assured the safety of the convoy"[/color]. So now what to do but wait? The contingent based on estimates should be ready within minutes, so he need not wait long...