[center][img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/3/32/House_Harlaw.PNG/199px-House_Harlaw.PNG[/img][img]http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/b/ba/Wynch.png/179px-Wynch.png[/img][-center] [b]Name:[/b] Vallen Harlaw [b]Culture:[/b]IronBorn [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]House/Affilitation:[/b][url=http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/House_Harlaw]House Harlaw[/url] [b]Overlord:[/b] House Greyjoy [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=img][URL=http://s1148.photobucket.com/user/Holy-Hunter/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsowpehn8p.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o567/Holy-Hunter/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsowpehn8p.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] [url=][/url] [url=][/url] -------- Name: Vallen Harlaw Culture: IronBorn Age: 22 House/Affilitation: House Harlaw Overlord: House Greyjoy Favoured Weapon: Throwing axes Religion: Drowned God Vallen claims favour from the drowned god due to his webbed toes that have served to make him an excellent swimmer. (Also led to his survival when abandoned to the sea.) This has not stopped him from witnessing and participating in dark magics while on Basilisk Isles. Appearance: [img] FAMILY Mother: Arelle Wynch Father: Unknown Harlow (supposably) Biography: During reaping Arelle fell pregnant without a husband, after returning home and Vallen's birth it was accepted that his father was a Harlow who died at sea. Many discussions, deals and pacts were had in secret prior to that knowledge going public or being accepted. Vallen was a bridge between two powerful families but his position and circumstances made him many enemies. From early on Arelle fretted for her sons safety and spent every spare moment training him in the ways of ironborn. Her love was tough as he needed to be tougher. Her ambitions consumed her and all plans of glory depended on her son. In 380 AC Vallen traveled to the [url=http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Basilisk_Isles]Basilisk Isles[/url] with his close friend/rival young. During the trip home, a spiteful plot against Vallen saw him cast out to sea and left to drown. However the Drowned god decided it was not yet his time and Vallen survived the impossible swim back to shore which left him stranded on the isles. During Vallen's childhood, his enemies often looked at ways to hurt and hinder the favoured child so he was often challenged in the game of Finger Dance. Even at a young age he adapted quickly to the skills and expertise needed to be formidable, if not a master of the game. It didn't come without cost however, he wears scars from his failings and is missing most of his right pinky finger. It was a horrid survival on the Basilisk Isles but his skill in the game and close intensive combat training from his mother saw him through the horrid years until he managed to get himself smuggled to Westeros. Most of Vallen's story takes place on the basilisk isles. From his life in the wild, to slavery on a pirate ship. From an axe entertainer to a pit fighter. Vallen did what he must to survive. He fought for his survival and clawed against all odds every step of the way. Eventually, overtime he killed all those that berated and used him. His ruthlessness, savagery and wit, coupled with his determination, persistence and fearlessness made him a formidable opponent and great bodyguard. It was only after he shed the blood of an invading Ironborn ship reaping the isles that he realised how far from his rock the tides of fate had taken him. He took that ship, and just enough crew to man it and set out to sea. One of the surviving thralls spoke of ill happenings to his family in the many years past and warned of the disaster that awaited should he return. So instead Vallen navigated to Westeros, the drowned god claiming the souls of most his men and once again nearly Vallen's as the ship was destroyed upon a rocky outcrop. Vallen later awakens on an unknown shore, once again with very little possessions and no friends or family. Just the blessing from a dead god, the blood of an Ironborn and two axes that thirst for blood. No longer a boy, now a man, Vallen would carve out his destiny on his own terms. With the skills he was good at, fighting, killing and surviving. Even as he sells himself as a sword (axe) for hire he would not forget the lessons learnt on the basilisk isles. He continues to practise blood rituals in secret.