[center] [b][h2] [Color=Goldenrod]A[/color]varius [Color=Goldenrod]E[/color]lthandeir [/h2][/b] [i] Avey storm rider, [/i][/center] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/6c/83/e1/6c83e1109f4ac35396f12b4ba0a79380.jpg [/img] [hider=Appearance] [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [list][*][i]Height:[/i] 5'9" [*][i]Weight:[/i] 80kg [*][i]Eye colour:[/i] (Heterochromia) Green with blue invading around the left pupil. [*][i]Hair:[/i] long brown [*][i]Physique;[/i] athletic [*][i]Clothes:[/i] A modern high tech tight armoured under-suit hidden beneath primalistic furs and feathers. [*][i]Tattoos & body mods:[/I] [/list][/hider] [hider=Personal details] [b]Personality:[/b] To say Averius was an odd child would be an understatement, to assume he had out grown it would be gravely inaccurate. Just as genius can be found in the misfortunate and mad, the inner workings of Avey's mind was both a mysterious blessing and a curse. At certain times he not so much lacks empathy but is totally void of even the notion of it. His humour is often dark and his thoughts commonly unfiltered and unrestrained. Most the time he appears light hearted and aloof. Despite his oddities he is quite shy and quiet. [b]Bio:[/b] [indent][U]The EVOS;[/u][/indent] Long ago just as men began to forget of the Great War, as it slowly slipped from minds and history alike, like a dying faint breeze rustling amongst fallen leaves. There were still those that had been born under the ideals of ancestors whom rejected and regretted the choices that were made and despised the new world they had created. These were the original Evos, born to those emphasising with the behemoths, abandoning civilisation, technology, social structure and political law to live wildly on and with the stolen land. Respecting that which came before them and the mystical energies that were still present. That oppressive angst travelled deep within their blood and bones and while the stories would eventually be forgotten, their nomadic natural beliefs would be passed on through generation and generation for the many more to come. Eventually and then on continually this free living was challenged and interrupted causing them to continually flee and travel further away. Finally one day they stopped, finding their haven in the far desolate corners of the planet high amongst dangerous yet beautiful jagged sheer edge cliffs. It was a harsh dangerous life but one they adapted too, more so as each decade passed. Eventually they re-integrated with the ever expanding civilisation and were pardoned from many laws to allow them to continue their wild mystical ways. Much of their ancestry began to wash from their blood as new unions bred it out. Ideals became complicated as they stood against new fallacies under the shallow guise of necessity. Desire and laziness slowly won over ideals and traditions and the Evos was again integrated into civilisation, it became more the location then the people. But the thing about ideals is that they don't always die with the people. A hidden secretive organisation rebuilt the Evos decades later in a dramatic romanticised vision of cunning wildness, beautiful ferocity, and mystical acuity. Amongst a classroom of 12 Avarius was born. Stolen from his family for his long hidden lineage he was raised as a puppet warrior. When his skills and aptitude out ranked all conceived expectations, his tutors pride, vanity and greed saw him flaunt the ability of his pupil. [b]Reason for joining:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Combat] [b]Weapons:[/b] Body blades; While named 'body blades' for the many concealable and retractable knives and blade edges, the weapon is actually the entire suit. Developed to suit the terrain and lifestyle of the Evos, it meant they were always armed and prepared with a weapon they could never drop and was always ready for use, no matter what limbs were free or desperately hanging onto a cliff edge. While the origins were a simple defence and climbing aid the suit soon became a lethal weapon. Overtime there became multiple variant styles of body blade suits with individuals customising them to suit their preference or skill by substituting certain knives and locations with other spiky sharp means of death and decapitation. Avey's suit was not built to preferential design, ease of use, trends in style or to match his at-the-time skills. It was built purely for efficiency. An efficiency that has taken a long time to hone and master. [b]Combat style:[/b] Close quarters; Favouring speed, agility and misdirection Avey's style also encompasses momentum and joint manipulation. He is ruthless in combat, he has no qualms exploiting his opponents weaknesses, nor does he believe in a fair fight. He fights smart and calculatedly using every advantage at his disposal. [b]Elemental affinity:[/b] Air [b]Magic:[/b] [b]Detail:[/b] [b]Uses:[/b] [list] [*][i]Offensive-[/i] [*][i]Defensive-[/i] [*][i]Support-[/i] [*][i]Other-[/i] [/list] [/hider]